Hello Valerie and others,

(replies inline)

On 2023-12-20 03:27, Valerie Aurora wrote:
Thanks for everyone's enthusiasm at the RIPE session about the open
source project credit policy! While recovering from COVID I managed to
put together a starting draft that included all of the suggestions I
could remember.
Thank you for proceeding with this topic! I was missing your thoughts and all these discussions since the RIPE meeting.
Please edit the draft, via comments, suggestions, or direct edits:

Added some suggestions and comments there.
Thank you in particular to Maria Matějka, Martin Winter, and Marcos
Sanz for many excellent points and solutions.

Wow, you actually got my ě in my surname correctly, that's uncommon, I appreciate that.

Credit for this policy

If you contributed to this policy, please add your name here. We will
decide how to credit the contributors as we develop this policy.

Valerie Aurora

Maria Matějka

The comment I added to the doc but I also put it here – I have added my affiliation to this. It's not only my personal work, but I'm involved in this as BIRD team leader, employee of CZ.NIC – and even though this is mostly about people, the companies also deserve being credited, especially if they pay us to do the contributions.

That's it, looking forward to a fruitful discussion.

Also I'm going to draft a credits policy for BIRD to try using this document for a real project, so there will be some feedback also from this process.

Have a nice holiday season!

Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.