Hi everyone, RIPE is getting close and we have finally the program for the OpenSource Working Group together. We have 2 interesting talks about Routing: GoBGP, a BGP implementation in Go and Freerouter another Open Source Router implementation. And finally, for all the coders and programmers out there, we have an interesting presentation about code fuzzing and static analysis as used by the Knot DNS team. Hope to see you all at the RIPE in Bucharest. And feel free to start sending submissions for a short lightening talk. We have some time reserved again for short updates on various open source projects. Send submissions to the WG chairs (opensource-wg-chairs@ripe.net) and we'll try our best to fit you in. Regards, Martin Winter & Ondrej Filip OpenSource-WG Chairs Here is the agenda: Agenda for The OpenSource WG session A. Administrative Matters (Working Group Chairs) [5..10 mins] . Welcome . select scribe . finalize agenda . approval of minutes from previous WG meeting(s) . review of action list B. A brief talk about yet another open source BGP implementation, GoBGP [20 mins] <https://github.com/osrg/gobgp> (Ishida Wataru, NTT Japan) C. FreeRouter - networking swiss army knife [20 mins] Freerouter is a new open source network operating system which speaks most common routing protocols and does a lot of encapsulation and tunneling. <http://freerouter.nop.hu/> (Csaba Mate, Developer of FreeRouter, Network Engineer @niif/as1955) D. Towards secure input handling in C/C++ code Most software accepts arbitrary input from an untrusted source. The presentation will give a short overview of tools and techniques which we use in the Knot DNS development to identify corner cases in input processing and thus improve overall stability and security of our software. This includes static and dynamic code analysis and coverage guided fuzzing. (Jan Včelák, Knot DNS Team Leader, CZ.NIC) E. OpenSource Lightening Updates [20 mins] These are short updates on different relevant OpenSource projects. They should be 5 mins (preferably) with a maximum of 10 mins (if space allows). No formal submission required ahead of RIPE, but please send a short message to opensource-wg-chairs@ripe.net by noon on Tuesday during the RIPE if you want to present an update. Selection of talks are done on Tuesday afternoon.