Hello Paul,

(replies inline)

On 2023-12-20 14:14, Paul Menzel wrote:

(I always wonder, why a Open Source group use proprietary software like Google Docs. Does RIPE offer alternatives already? Otherwise, I’d suggest some Git repository.)
There are projects like HackMD useful for this, but for me, it's Valerie's discretion to choose the tools. Anyway, thank you for inspiration for another credit issue example.
Two concrete examples:

How I got robbed of my first kernel contribution – Ariel Miculas


I took the time to read Ariel’s article, and I think this is blown out of proportion. Ariel was credited, and the subsystem maintainer Michael apologized. Things happen.

Has this issue come up more often in the RIPE related Open source projects (BIRD, Quagga, OpenBGPD, XORP, DHCP, RRDtool, ntop and Nagios, …), that the working group wants to take this on?

At least with BIRD, we had issues (not escalated tho) when contributions were credited poorly, and we already did some internal decisions to try to credit the contributions properly. I also suspect that some contributors actually got discouraged by our approach to their contributions in farther history. This way, having a written policy how to do it, is a step which seems to be helpful at least for us.

Have a nice holiday season!
Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.