
The fall RIPE is coming up and this is the time for Open Source WG chair elections.

Nomination period is from NOW until Oct 9, 23:59 GMT

Chair selection is as follows:
- If there are no nominations, then it will continue as is without any vote (all three of us are willing to continue)
- If there is a nomination, then we will try to decide in a consensus
(between existing chairs and nominees) on how to proceed
- If the consensus fails (i.e. if one of the nominations wants to force a vote to replace an existing maintainer and there is any other disagreement), then we’ll have a public vote during the Open Source WG (Consensus between existing chairs and all the nominees)

for details.

So if you want to become a OS WG chair, then this is the time to do so and speak up.

Please send your nomination to opensource-wg-chairs@ripe.net

If you miss this chance, then the next nomination period is in one year
(each Fall RIPE meeting)

The new WG chair starts after the Fall RIPE meeting.

  Your current Opensource WG Chairs
  Martin Winter, Ondrej Filip, Marcos Sanz