Martin Winter

Wed, Sep 29, 2021, 1:07 PM
It's soon time for our RIPE Fall meeting - which means it’s time for nominations to become a new co-chair of the WG.

Please send your nominations by End of October to the WG chairs:

Deadline for nominations: Sunday, Oct 31, 23:59 UTC

We are currently 2 Chairs: Martin Winter and Marco Sanz. Ondrej Filip stepped down
after the past RIPE meeting.

Both of the existing chairs are willing to continue. If there are no nominations, then there will be no change, 
but we are very open to new candidates and would welcome to add another Co-Chair

Details on Chair Selection Policy:

In short: If there are NO nominations, then the existing chairs will continue. If there are nominations,
then the existing chairs will have a discussion with the candidates to see if we can come to an agreement
(i.e. expand to 3 chairs, replace one of us etc). If there is no agreement between all the existing chairs
and the new nominations until RIPE, then there will be a vote during the RIPE meeting.

Martin Winter & Marco Sanz
Open Source WG Chairs