
for updates, I think you can pick any of them. There are frequently multiple WGs which fit a talk.
I think the community appreciates the updates in general and we try to make sure that these 2 specific WGs never
run in parallel at the same time.
So either works and you could ping both WGs. It's great to have the flexibility on time for the WG chairs on the time
to schedule it to either of them based on available other talks.

   Martin Winter
   OS WG Co-Chair

On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 3:44 PM Maria Matejka <> wrote:

Hello Martin, Marco and others,

remembering what was said in Rotterdam, we got here into a discussion
about where and how to present updates in existing open-source products,
reiterating the concerns about the OS-WG group somehow canibalizing Routing WG.

I'm planning myself to propose a non-product presentation in OS-WG
mostly about how we organize work on BIRD and what problems we deal with.

I'd like to ask you for opinions whether we shall aim for Routing WG
with BIRD updates, or whether we shall stay here.

Thank you and see you all in Rome!

On 2023-09-26 15:22, Martin Winter wrote:
Call for Opensource-WG Presentations (RIPE87, Rome, 27 Nov - 1 Dec 2023)

The next RIPE Meeting is coming up again - your chance to present about
some interesting Open Source

If you would like to give a presentation during the OpenSource WG
session, then please contact us (the WG chairs).
In general, each talk is 15-30 mins (depending on how much time is

If you have some idea and are not sure how/if you should present something
then feel free to contact us as well to discuss the idea.

For small project updates, we are planning to reserve 30 mins again at
the end of the WG session.
These short 5..10(max) min updates/talks are decided on the day before
the WG session on a time/space available basis.
No need to submit anything for these talks at this time.

   Martin Winter & Marco Sanz
   OpenSource WG Chairs

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Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.