Dear working group,

dear RIPE community,


first of all, we’d like to say a big thank you to all three candidates.


Based on the feedback for all the candidates, the expressions of support and the discussion afterwards on which voices to consider, we have decided on Sasha Romijn to join us as the 3rd working group chair.


We know that some new individuals on this list will not agree, but we do believe we have decided based on what is best for the WG. After the announcement end of last week that we were prioritizing expressions of support from long-standing members, we have not heard any reason why this would be a bad procedure and we have got a lot of on-list and off-list feedback supporting it.


Having said that, we will bring up the chair selection topic at the next RIPE meeting and welcome everyone to join us for that discussion. The last three weeks have showed that we might be needing clearer guidelines in the process. We would like to address this with the group in time before the next election in fall 2024.


Now, please welcome to Sasha as a Co-Chair for the Open Source WG!



   Martin Winter & Marcos Sanz

   Open Source WG Chairs