Happy New Year Everyone!
RIPE has hosted several very successful RIPE NCC Hackathons. I have helped IETF and MEF start and run a series of Hackathons. I spoke about these at RIPE 76. There was a suggestion from Vesna at that time to create a common page on which we post information about such events. The current RIPE hackathon page (https://labs.ripe.net/hackathons) is a good start. I would be happy to add to this.
I would like to propose having some time at RIPE 78 to discuss open source efforts like these various hackathons, what is working well, what is not, and how we can improve them. For example, the IETF hackathons need to be better about turning hackathon code into contributions to projects that are easy to find, use, and contribute to any time rather than just in the context of the hackathon. Another example is competition. Some people think hackathons are perceived as being too competitive and non-inclusive. I do not agree, and I try to make it very clear that the IETF hackathons are collaborative and open to newcomers, but the fact I need to keep stating this means there is a problem and an opportunity to do something better.
What do others think about having some time in the opensource-wg to share information, ideas, issues, and potential solutions? Would it be better to have a workshop? What about doing both?
Martin and Ondrej, I understand this is your call to make, so I hope you do not mind me posting here to help get a sense of interest and help refining the idea.