Hi everyone,
Sorry, agenda again. The previous part got mangled (bad cut & paste mistake
on my side). Same agenda, just fixed the abstracts.
So here is it again, the Agenda for the upcoming WG session at the RIPE in Amsterdam.
Agenda for The OpenSource WG session
A. Administrative Matters [5 mins]
. Welcome
. select scribe
. finalise agenda
. approval of minutes from previous WG meeting(s)
. review of action list
B. jFlowLib (Thomas King, DE CIX) [15 mins]
(https://github.com/de-cix/jFlowLib). This library is able to read and write sFLow
and IPFIX data in the format coming from Force10 and Alcatel Lucent boxes. At
DE-CIX we use it internally to parse sFlow and IPFIX data, multiplex it (to
different collectors), anonymise data and generate graphs.
C. OSNT - A community-owned platform for high-performance and low-cost
network testing (Gianni Antichi, University of Cambridge) [20 mins]
Despite network monitoring and testing being critical for computer networks,
current solutions are both extremely expensive and closed source. Into this
lacuna we launch the Open Source Network Tester (OSNT), a fully open-source,
high performance traffic generator and capture system. This talk will present
both the overall OSNT architecture and one of its most prominent use cases:
next-generation OpenFlow switches testing.
D. Zonemaster software and test specifications (Patrik Wallström) [10 mins]
More about Zonemaster can be found at https://github.com/dotse/zonemaster
E. Building an Open-source IPv6 Configuration Architecture for OpenWrt
(Steven Barth, OpenWRT) [20 mins]
Describing how we implemented and integrated RA, DHCPv6, prefix
delegation and softwires (such as DS-Lite, LW4over6 or MAP) into a
multi-homing capable system. Showing issues and quirks we found in a
variety of ISP and client implementations and describes ongoing
development on autonomic configuration and management of next
generation home networks as proposed to the IETF homenet working group
F. OpenSource Lightening Updates [20 mins]
These are short updates on different relevant OpenSource projects.
They should be 5 mins (preferably) with a maximum of 10 mins (if space
No formal submission required ahead of RIPE, but please send a short
message to opensource-wg-chairs(a)ripe.net by noon on Tuesday during the
RIPE if you want to present an update. Selection of talks are done on
tuesday afternoon.
G. Closing Remarks [5 mins]
Martin Winter & Ondrej Filip
OpenSource-WG Chairs
Hi everyone,
here is the Agenda for the upcoming WG session at the RIPE in Amsterdam.
Agenda for The OpenSource WG session
A. Administrative Matters [5 mins]
. Welcome
. select scribe
. finalise agenda
. approval of minutes from previous WG meeting(s)
. review of action list
B. jFlowLib (Thomas King, DE CIX) [15 mins]
(https://github.com/de-cix/jFlowLib). This library is able to read and write sFLow
and IPFIX data in the format coming from Force10 and Alcatel Lucent boxes. At
DE-CIX we use it internally to parse sFlow and IPFIX data, multiplex it (to
different collectors), anonymise data and generate graphs.
C. OSNT - A community-owned platform for high-performance and low-cost
network testing (Gianni Antichi, University of Cambridge) [20 mins]
D. Zonemaster software and test specifications (Patrik Wallström) [10 mins]
E. Building an Open-source IPv6 Configuration Architecture for OpenWrt
(Steven Barth, OpenWRT) [20 mins]
Despite network monitoring and testing being critical for computer networks,
current solutions are both extremely expensive and closed source. Into this
lacuna we launch the Open Source Network Tester (OSNT), a fully open-source,
high performance traffic generator and capture system. This talk will present
both the overall OSNT architecture and one of its most prominent use cases:
next-generation OpenFlow switches testing.
F. OpenSource Lightening Updates [20 mins]
These are short updates on different relevant OpenSource projects.
They should be 5 mins (preferably) with a maximum of 10 mins (if space
No formal submission required ahead of RIPE, but please send a short
message to opensource-wg-chairs(a)ripe.net by noon on Tuesday during the
RIPE if you want to present an update. Selection of talks are done on
tuesday afternoon.
G. Closing Remarks [5 mins]
Martin Winter & Ondrej Filip
OpenSource-WG Chairs
Hi Everyone,
The next RIPE Meeting will be in 3 months. And as usually we
(opensource wg chairs) are looking for agenda topics. So if you would
like to give a presentation during the OpenSource WG session, please
contact us. We expect talks for about 15-30 mins.
Please contact us even if you are not sure you want to talk, but you
have some idea what's interesting etc.
And if you are looking for some idea: Would still love to hear someone
talking about good & bad experiences on using OpenSource in a
ISP/Network provider environment. If you have some story how you
decided/tried/succeed/failed to use some specific OpenSource project
and what your experiences was along the way, then please contact the
WG chairs.
For small project updates, we are planning to reserve 30 mins again at
the end of the WG session. These short 5..10(max) min updates/talks
are decided on the day before the WG session on a time/space available
base. No need to submit anything for these talks at this time.
Martin Winter & Ondrej Filip
OpenSource WG Chairs
( CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. )
Ondrej Filip - CEO
Office : Milesovska 5, Praha 3, Czech Republic
Email : ondrej.filip(a)nic.cz http://www.nic.cz
Private: feela(a)network.cz