Fwd: Re: Extended delegated statistics

Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 08:47:17 +0300 To: Tore Anderson <tore.anderson@redpill-linpro.com>, Alex Le Heux <alexlh@ripe.net> From: Hank Nussbacher <hank@efes.iucc.ac.il> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] Extended delegated statistics Cc: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net
At 07:24 24/05/2012 +0200, Tore Anderson wrote:
* Alex Le Heux
Starting from Wednesday 23 May 2012, the extended delegated files will be published at the following URL:
There are some problems with the delegated-ripencc-20120423 and delegated-ripencc-extended-20120423 currently available on the FTP:
Another problem is that the previous file was sorted by IP and now it is sorted by allocated/assigned field and then only by IP so one needs to know whether the IP block is allocated or assigned and jumping back and forth between the 2 sections. Can the file be sorted once gain by IP?
Thanks, Hank
I see that the file is still sorted by allocated/assigned and then by IP. Why was this changed and why can't it be changed back to the way it was? -Hank

Dear Hank,
I see that the file is still sorted by allocated/assigned and then by IP. Why was this changed and why can't it be changed back to the way it was?
The file format specification leaves the sort order undefined. This is the specification that is used by all RIRs who implement the extended delegated files. The actual order of the entries in the file is therefore an artifact of the back-end and the intermediate processing. The format specification for the "old" files did not define a sorting order either.
3. File format [...] After the header lines, records are not sorted.
(ftp://ftp.ripe.net/pub/stats/ripencc/RIR-Statistics-Exchange-Format.txt) As a side note: Over the years we have received several comments about the ordering of the files, with different people expressing different preferences. If the community clearly prefers a certain sorting order over another, we could look into modifying the software to support this. Best regards, Alex Le Heux Policy Implementation & Co-ordination RIPE NCC
participants (2)
Alex Le Heux
Hank Nussbacher