2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)

Dear colleagues, A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion. The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources. You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05 As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer. At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal. We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018. Kind regards, Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum

All - this is *NOT* a statement for either support or objection, but - for the time being - merely a request for clarification. It therefore primarily addresses Sara Veronica Marcolla as the proposer of this. On 27.09.2018 15:10, Marco Schmidt wrote:
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
Who *EXACTLY* is a "holder of Internet number resources"? I personally have a clear position here - but having read the text at least twice, there still is ambiguity as much as I am concerned: is this the respective LIR, if there is any involved? Is it the actual user of the Internet number resource in question? And even more important: whose task shall it be to validate the legal postal address information before it is being published in the RIPE database: the RIPE NCC itself as the main WG to discuss this is NCC services? The respective LIR, if there is any involved? The proposal appears to be absolutely silent about this quite fundamental question. Kind regards, Carsten Schiefner

Hi Carsten, First of all I wanted to thank you for the time you took in looking into this proposal. It’s exactly with clarification questions like yours that I believe the proposal can progress in the (hopefully) best direction for all. In this proposal we assume as “Internet number resources” widely, as all those organisations which hold Internet number resources - and whose information (apart from the legal address) are already appearing in the database. In principle we are mainly talking about companies, not individuals (and for those, we can safely assume that the special protection granted by the provisions of the GDPR have precedence on any other consideration). This policy should also be applicable to legacy holders, in the circumstance where there exist a contractual relationship with the RIPE NCC. Slightly different is the case for LIRs, for which this proposal merely recommends and encourages the publication of the legal address of the customers having an administrative relation. This proposal “targets”, so to say, the legal and corporate department - not the technical branch. I hope this clarifies a bit, and if not, I’m happy to continue the discussion as I think it might be helpful for other readers as well. Kind regards, Sara Marcolla Typed with a very tiny keyboard this mistakes can occur. From: Carsten Schiefner <ripe-wgs.cs@schiefner.de<mailto:ripe-wgs.cs@schiefner.de>> Date: Thursday, 27 Sep 2018, 4:17 PM To: Marcolla, Sara Veronica <Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu<mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu>> Cc: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net<mailto:ncc-services-wg@ripe.net>> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) All - this is *NOT* a statement for either support or objection, but - for the time being - merely a request for clarification. It therefore primarily addresses Sara Veronica Marcolla as the proposer of this. On 27.09.2018 15:10, Marco Schmidt wrote:
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
Who *EXACTLY* is a "holder of Internet number resources"? I personally have a clear position here - but having read the text at least twice, there still is ambiguity as much as I am concerned: is this the respective LIR, if there is any involved? Is it the actual user of the Internet number resource in question? And even more important: whose task shall it be to validate the legal postal address information before it is being published in the RIPE database: the RIPE NCC itself as the main WG to discuss this is NCC services? The respective LIR, if there is any involved? The proposal appears to be absolutely silent about this quite fundamental question. Kind regards, Carsten Schiefner ******************* DISCLAIMER : This message is sent in confidence and is only intended for the named recipient. If you receive this message by mistake, you may not use, copy, distribute or forward this message, or any part of its contents or rely upon the information contained in it. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the relevant e-mails from any computer. This message does not constitute a commitment by Europol unless otherwise indicated. *******************

Hello, I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway. Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep this in mind with any policy that is created. This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe. Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a problem. A non-technical solution will not help in this situation. the resources There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it. In short: I'm strongly against the policy. Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum

-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Stream Service Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:08 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway.
Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep
in mind with any policy that is created.
This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe.
Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a
Hello, This should have come from my personal account. This are my personal opinions. Regards, Mark this problem.
A non-technical solution will not help in this situation.
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for the resources
There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it.
In short: I'm strongly against the policy.
Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum

-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Stream Service Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:08 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway.
Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep
in mind with any policy that is created.
This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe.
Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a
Hi Mark, I read your concern about individual privacy and I am sure that in the implementation of the policy, the safeguards and guarantees that are aimed at protecting personal privacy and individual rights, especially following the provisions of the GDPR, will be guaranteed. On this point, I believe that even in this strong disagreement, we do agree. The aim of the policy, as you indeed understand, is to publish the location of where to address non-technical concerns. That we like it or not, there are other reasons that call for the need of quickly contacting a resource holder other than a merely technical issue. And as Internet is global but chamber of commerce databases are local, it is to be welcome an addition to a database that can serve this purpose. Do you agree? In this sense, it is indeed helping to speed up legal processes - and it speeds up the most basic first hurdle, that is “to whom can I address my concerns that are not of (purely) technical nature”? I am not only speaking here of Law Enforcers - but I am also speaking here of all those entities that have to put into practice provisions coming from the NIS Directive for example, or perhaps even the GDPR. All these require to immediately contact for legal reason an entity, and this policy proposal would be a step into this direction. All what can be done on the technical level (and you rightfully mention RPKI and other measures surely effective technically) needs to be complemented by what can be done to facilitate certain processes in place that require actions other than technical. There are as well as you say other actions to speed up other parts of the legal process and they are being explored, but this proposal complements them, does not substitute them. I know. It might sound a little philosophical but is in the end reflecting the reality of what internet is now: not only a community of technicians and enthusiasts, but a wider one. Kind regards, Sara Marcolla Typed with a very tiny keyboard this mistakes can occur From: Mark Scholten <mark@mscholten.eu<mailto:mark@mscholten.eu>> Date: Thursday, 27 Sep 2018, 10:12 PM To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net<mailto:ncc-services-wg@ripe.net>> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello, This should have come from my personal account. This are my personal opinions. Regards, Mark this problem.
A non-technical solution will not help in this situation.
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for the resources
There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it.
In short: I'm strongly against the policy.
Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
******************* DISCLAIMER : This message is sent in confidence and is only intended for the named recipient. If you receive this message by mistake, you may not use, copy, distribute or forward this message, or any part of its contents or rely upon the information contained in it. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the relevant e-mails from any computer. This message does not constitute a commitment by Europol unless otherwise indicated. *******************

-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Stream Service Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:08 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway.
Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep
in mind with any policy that is created.
This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe.
Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a
Hello Sara, If no address is used that is used as a home by someone and it is verified by RIPE NCC it can work. However a business address can be a home address at the same time. When that happens I'm strongly against publishing it. A better option is to mention the country off the resource holder and a number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. And if they don't have that some other number that can be used to identify the organization. That way the legal system can work as normal (you can find someone based on this number) and no new publication of an address is required. At this moment I'm against this proposal and as long as at least this isn't resolved I will be against. Kind regards, Mark From: Marcolla, Sara Veronica [mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu] Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:58 To: Mark Scholten; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hi Mark, I read your concern about individual privacy and I am sure that in the implementation of the policy, the safeguards and guarantees that are aimed at protecting personal privacy and individual rights, especially following the provisions of the GDPR, will be guaranteed. On this point, I believe that even in this strong disagreement, we do agree. The aim of the policy, as you indeed understand, is to publish the location of where to address non-technical concerns. That we like it or not, there are other reasons that call for the need of quickly contacting a resource holder other than a merely technical issue. And as Internet is global but chamber of commerce databases are local, it is to be welcome an addition to a database that can serve this purpose. Do you agree? In this sense, it is indeed helping to speed up legal processes - and it speeds up the most basic first hurdle, that is "to whom can I address my concerns that are not of (purely) technical nature"? I am not only speaking here of Law Enforcers - but I am also speaking here of all those entities that have to put into practice provisions coming from the NIS Directive for example, or perhaps even the GDPR. All these require to immediately contact for legal reason an entity, and this policy proposal would be a step into this direction. All what can be done on the technical level (and you rightfully mention RPKI and other measures surely effective technically) needs to be complemented by what can be done to facilitate certain processes in place that require actions other than technical. There are as well as you say other actions to speed up other parts of the legal process and they are being explored, but this proposal complements them, does not substitute them. I know. It might sound a little philosophical but is in the end reflecting the reality of what internet is now: not only a community of technicians and enthusiasts, but a wider one. Kind regards, Sara Marcolla Typed with a very tiny keyboard this mistakes can occur From: Mark Scholten <mark@mscholten.eu> Date: Thursday, 27 Sep 2018, 10:12 PM To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello, This should have come from my personal account. This are my personal opinions. Regards, Mark this problem.
A non-technical solution will not help in this situation.
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for the resources
There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it.
In short: I'm strongly against the policy.
Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
******************* DISCLAIMER : This message is sent in confidence and is only intended for the named recipient. If you receive this message by mistake, you may not use, copy, distribute or forward this message, or any part of its contents or rely upon the information contained in it. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the relevant e-mails from any computer. This message does not constitute a commitment by Europol unless otherwise indicated. *******************

-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Stream Service Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:08 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway.
Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep
in mind with any policy that is created.
This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe.
Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a
Hi Mark, You are indeed right. Very often self-employed people and really tiny undertakings with specific activities operate from the private address of the owner which then doubles as the address of the undertaking. However, for what I can understand this Regulation does not cover the processing of personal data which concerns legal persons and in particular undertakings established as legal persons, including the name and the form of the legal person and the contact details of the legal person. But even those have to be somewhat recorded as businesses in their country, right? I would like to clarify that the aim of the proposal was never aimed to publish information for which a warrant is needed. Only data that is publicly available in national company registries. This is why I am actually liking a lot your idea of publishing the number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. This would help to unambiguously identify the resource holder, without prejudice to the privacy of the individuals. The NCC has the registration number from the registration papers that resource holders must sent them. Many countries allow now to verify company details online, and for the others, it will be a small step of additional due diligence (like thoroughly checking the registration paper or asking for additional documentation). Implementing it could imply slightly more manual work as we only started recently to save the registration numbers of new members. Still, that would be something RIPE NCC would need to sort out if such proposal would reach consensus. @ All What would you think if the proposal would be adjusted in that way (to publish the registration number and the country of registration for resource holder)? If there is a CSIRT rep on the list I'd as well like to hear their opinion on this. Kind regards, Sara From: Mark Scholten [mailto:mark@mscholten.eu] Sent: 10 October 2018 12:32 To: Marcolla, Sara Veronica; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: RE: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello Sara, If no address is used that is used as a home by someone and it is verified by RIPE NCC it can work. However a business address can be a home address at the same time. When that happens I'm strongly against publishing it. A better option is to mention the country off the resource holder and a number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. And if they don't have that some other number that can be used to identify the organization. That way the legal system can work as normal (you can find someone based on this number) and no new publication of an address is required. At this moment I'm against this proposal and as long as at least this isn't resolved I will be against. Kind regards, Mark From: Marcolla, Sara Veronica [mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu] Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:58 To: Mark Scholten; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hi Mark, I read your concern about individual privacy and I am sure that in the implementation of the policy, the safeguards and guarantees that are aimed at protecting personal privacy and individual rights, especially following the provisions of the GDPR, will be guaranteed. On this point, I believe that even in this strong disagreement, we do agree. The aim of the policy, as you indeed understand, is to publish the location of where to address non-technical concerns. That we like it or not, there are other reasons that call for the need of quickly contacting a resource holder other than a merely technical issue. And as Internet is global but chamber of commerce databases are local, it is to be welcome an addition to a database that can serve this purpose. Do you agree? In this sense, it is indeed helping to speed up legal processes - and it speeds up the most basic first hurdle, that is "to whom can I address my concerns that are not of (purely) technical nature"? I am not only speaking here of Law Enforcers - but I am also speaking here of all those entities that have to put into practice provisions coming from the NIS Directive for example, or perhaps even the GDPR. All these require to immediately contact for legal reason an entity, and this policy proposal would be a step into this direction. All what can be done on the technical level (and you rightfully mention RPKI and other measures surely effective technically) needs to be complemented by what can be done to facilitate certain processes in place that require actions other than technical. There are as well as you say other actions to speed up other parts of the legal process and they are being explored, but this proposal complements them, does not substitute them. I know. It might sound a little philosophical but is in the end reflecting the reality of what internet is now: not only a community of technicians and enthusiasts, but a wider one. Kind regards, Sara Marcolla Typed with a very tiny keyboard this mistakes can occur From: Mark Scholten <mark@mscholten.eu<mailto:mark@mscholten.eu>> Date: Thursday, 27 Sep 2018, 10:12 PM To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net<mailto:ncc-services-wg@ripe.net>> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello, This should have come from my personal account. This are my personal opinions. Regards, Mark this problem.
A non-technical solution will not help in this situation.
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for the resources
There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it.
In short: I'm strongly against the policy.
Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
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On 10 Oct 2018, at 12:21, Marcolla, Sara Veronica <Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu> wrote:
I would like to clarify that the aim of the proposal was never aimed to publish information for which a warrant is needed. Only data that is publicly available in national company registries.
If those data are already "publicly available in national company registries” why do they also need to be published by the NCC though some whois-type mechanism? What would this proposed scheme do that’s different/better than the current arrangements?

On 10/10/2018 1:21 PM, Marcolla, Sara Veronica wrote:
@ All
What would you think if the proposal would be adjusted in that way (to publish the _registration number and the country of registration for resource holder_)?
+1 Opinion: This would help tremendously in getting the proposal widely accepted.

-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Stream Service Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:08 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway.
Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep
in mind with any policy that is created.
This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe.
Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a
Hello Sara, Yes they probably have to be recorded as a business in their country. However you can point to that record. You don't need to duplicate it. And if the laws in their country doesn't require it I'm happy with that (it is probably not a problem for them). I understand the target of the policy and as long as not at least addresses that are also private addresses are excluded from the policy I'm against. This is not based on the GDPR or a similar law. I would accept the proposal if it would point to the already publicly available information in the national company registry. And to make it easier to find the correct one I'm even happy to allow that the right country and chamber of commerce number can be listed. But there it ends for me. Note I don't want to make your work impossible as what I know from the media Europol does great work. However duplicating data is not something I personally like (and privacy has to be protected as far as possible). " What would you think if the proposal would be adjusted in that way (to publish the registration number and the country of registration for resource holder)? " If that is the only requirement and it only applies to legal entities that are not a natural person I would give it a +1. Kind regards, Mark From: Marcolla, Sara Veronica [mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu] Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 13:22 To: 'Mark Scholten'; 'ncc-services-wg@ripe.net' Subject: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hi Mark, You are indeed right. Very often self-employed people and really tiny undertakings with specific activities operate from the private address of the owner which then doubles as the address of the undertaking. However, for what I can understand this Regulation does not cover the processing of personal data which concerns legal persons and in particular undertakings established as legal persons, including the name and the form of the legal person and the contact details of the legal person. But even those have to be somewhat recorded as businesses in their country, right? I would like to clarify that the aim of the proposal was never aimed to publish information for which a warrant is needed. Only data that is publicly available in national company registries. This is why I am actually liking a lot your idea of publishing the number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. This would help to unambiguously identify the resource holder, without prejudice to the privacy of the individuals. The NCC has the registration number from the registration papers that resource holders must sent them. Many countries allow now to verify company details online, and for the others, it will be a small step of additional due diligence (like thoroughly checking the registration paper or asking for additional documentation). Implementing it could imply slightly more manual work as we only started recently to save the registration numbers of new members. Still, that would be something RIPE NCC would need to sort out if such proposal would reach consensus. @ All What would you think if the proposal would be adjusted in that way (to publish the registration number and the country of registration for resource holder)? If there is a CSIRT rep on the list I'd as well like to hear their opinion on this. Kind regards, Sara From: Mark Scholten [mailto:mark@mscholten.eu] Sent: 10 October 2018 12:32 To: Marcolla, Sara Veronica; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: RE: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello Sara, If no address is used that is used as a home by someone and it is verified by RIPE NCC it can work. However a business address can be a home address at the same time. When that happens I'm strongly against publishing it. A better option is to mention the country off the resource holder and a number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. And if they don't have that some other number that can be used to identify the organization. That way the legal system can work as normal (you can find someone based on this number) and no new publication of an address is required. At this moment I'm against this proposal and as long as at least this isn't resolved I will be against. Kind regards, Mark From: Marcolla, Sara Veronica [mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu] Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:58 To: Mark Scholten; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hi Mark, I read your concern about individual privacy and I am sure that in the implementation of the policy, the safeguards and guarantees that are aimed at protecting personal privacy and individual rights, especially following the provisions of the GDPR, will be guaranteed. On this point, I believe that even in this strong disagreement, we do agree. The aim of the policy, as you indeed understand, is to publish the location of where to address non-technical concerns. That we like it or not, there are other reasons that call for the need of quickly contacting a resource holder other than a merely technical issue. And as Internet is global but chamber of commerce databases are local, it is to be welcome an addition to a database that can serve this purpose. Do you agree? In this sense, it is indeed helping to speed up legal processes - and it speeds up the most basic first hurdle, that is "to whom can I address my concerns that are not of (purely) technical nature"? I am not only speaking here of Law Enforcers - but I am also speaking here of all those entities that have to put into practice provisions coming from the NIS Directive for example, or perhaps even the GDPR. All these require to immediately contact for legal reason an entity, and this policy proposal would be a step into this direction. All what can be done on the technical level (and you rightfully mention RPKI and other measures surely effective technically) needs to be complemented by what can be done to facilitate certain processes in place that require actions other than technical. There are as well as you say other actions to speed up other parts of the legal process and they are being explored, but this proposal complements them, does not substitute them. I know. It might sound a little philosophical but is in the end reflecting the reality of what internet is now: not only a community of technicians and enthusiasts, but a wider one. Kind regards, Sara Marcolla Typed with a very tiny keyboard this mistakes can occur From: Mark Scholten <mark@mscholten.eu> Date: Thursday, 27 Sep 2018, 10:12 PM To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello, This should have come from my personal account. This are my personal opinions. Regards, Mark this problem.
A non-technical solution will not help in this situation.
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for the resources
There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it.
In short: I'm strongly against the policy.
Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
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-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Stream Service Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:08 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway.
Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep
in mind with any policy that is created.
This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe.
Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a
Hi Mark, Thanks :) The idea is not to duplicate the information available but to make it easier for someone that is not in the country, to have access to the information that is nevertheless published in the country. It is not so straightforward and easy to find such information, and in the case of double location for tech and corporate offices, one could spend time looking for information in the wrong place. That would help - and tech teams would not have to deal with legal requests because they would be addressed where they belong: corporate offices (in the case of the lone entrepreneur of course it is different, but in this case there should not be two locations for tech and legal to start with for instance). Best, Sara From: Mark Scholten [mailto:mark@mscholten.eu] Sent: 10 October 2018 14:51 To: Marcolla, Sara Veronica; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: RE: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello Sara, Yes they probably have to be recorded as a business in their country. However you can point to that record. You don't need to duplicate it. And if the laws in their country doesn't require it I'm happy with that (it is probably not a problem for them). I understand the target of the policy and as long as not at least addresses that are also private addresses are excluded from the policy I'm against. This is not based on the GDPR or a similar law. I would accept the proposal if it would point to the already publicly available information in the national company registry. And to make it easier to find the correct one I'm even happy to allow that the right country and chamber of commerce number can be listed. But there it ends for me. Note I don't want to make your work impossible as what I know from the media Europol does great work. However duplicating data is not something I personally like (and privacy has to be protected as far as possible). " What would you think if the proposal would be adjusted in that way (to publish the registration number and the country of registration for resource holder)? " If that is the only requirement and it only applies to legal entities that are not a natural person I would give it a +1. Kind regards, Mark From: Marcolla, Sara Veronica [mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu] Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 13:22 To: 'Mark Scholten'; 'ncc-services-wg@ripe.net' Subject: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hi Mark, You are indeed right. Very often self-employed people and really tiny undertakings with specific activities operate from the private address of the owner which then doubles as the address of the undertaking. However, for what I can understand this Regulation does not cover the processing of personal data which concerns legal persons and in particular undertakings established as legal persons, including the name and the form of the legal person and the contact details of the legal person. But even those have to be somewhat recorded as businesses in their country, right? I would like to clarify that the aim of the proposal was never aimed to publish information for which a warrant is needed. Only data that is publicly available in national company registries. This is why I am actually liking a lot your idea of publishing the number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. This would help to unambiguously identify the resource holder, without prejudice to the privacy of the individuals. The NCC has the registration number from the registration papers that resource holders must sent them. Many countries allow now to verify company details online, and for the others, it will be a small step of additional due diligence (like thoroughly checking the registration paper or asking for additional documentation). Implementing it could imply slightly more manual work as we only started recently to save the registration numbers of new members. Still, that would be something RIPE NCC would need to sort out if such proposal would reach consensus. @ All What would you think if the proposal would be adjusted in that way (to publish the registration number and the country of registration for resource holder)? If there is a CSIRT rep on the list I'd as well like to hear their opinion on this. Kind regards, Sara From: Mark Scholten [mailto:mark@mscholten.eu] Sent: 10 October 2018 12:32 To: Marcolla, Sara Veronica; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: RE: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello Sara, If no address is used that is used as a home by someone and it is verified by RIPE NCC it can work. However a business address can be a home address at the same time. When that happens I'm strongly against publishing it. A better option is to mention the country off the resource holder and a number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. And if they don't have that some other number that can be used to identify the organization. That way the legal system can work as normal (you can find someone based on this number) and no new publication of an address is required. At this moment I'm against this proposal and as long as at least this isn't resolved I will be against. Kind regards, Mark From: Marcolla, Sara Veronica [mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu] Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:58 To: Mark Scholten; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hi Mark, I read your concern about individual privacy and I am sure that in the implementation of the policy, the safeguards and guarantees that are aimed at protecting personal privacy and individual rights, especially following the provisions of the GDPR, will be guaranteed. On this point, I believe that even in this strong disagreement, we do agree. The aim of the policy, as you indeed understand, is to publish the location of where to address non-technical concerns. That we like it or not, there are other reasons that call for the need of quickly contacting a resource holder other than a merely technical issue. And as Internet is global but chamber of commerce databases are local, it is to be welcome an addition to a database that can serve this purpose. Do you agree? In this sense, it is indeed helping to speed up legal processes - and it speeds up the most basic first hurdle, that is "to whom can I address my concerns that are not of (purely) technical nature"? I am not only speaking here of Law Enforcers - but I am also speaking here of all those entities that have to put into practice provisions coming from the NIS Directive for example, or perhaps even the GDPR. All these require to immediately contact for legal reason an entity, and this policy proposal would be a step into this direction. All what can be done on the technical level (and you rightfully mention RPKI and other measures surely effective technically) needs to be complemented by what can be done to facilitate certain processes in place that require actions other than technical. There are as well as you say other actions to speed up other parts of the legal process and they are being explored, but this proposal complements them, does not substitute them. I know. It might sound a little philosophical but is in the end reflecting the reality of what internet is now: not only a community of technicians and enthusiasts, but a wider one. Kind regards, Sara Marcolla Typed with a very tiny keyboard this mistakes can occur From: Mark Scholten <mark@mscholten.eu<mailto:mark@mscholten.eu>> Date: Thursday, 27 Sep 2018, 10:12 PM To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net<mailto:ncc-services-wg@ripe.net>> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello, This should have come from my personal account. This are my personal opinions. Regards, Mark this problem.
A non-technical solution will not help in this situation.
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for the resources
There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it.
In short: I'm strongly against the policy.
Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
******************* DISCLAIMER : This message is sent in confidence and is only intended for the named recipient. If you receive this message by mistake, you may not use, copy, distribute or forward this message, or any part of its contents or rely upon the information contained in it. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the relevant e-mails from any computer. This message does not constitute a commitment by Europol unless otherwise indicated. ******************* ******************* DISCLAIMER : This message is sent in confidence and is only intended for the named recipient. If you receive this message by mistake, you may not use, copy, distribute or forward this message, or any part of its contents or rely upon the information contained in it. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the relevant e-mails from any computer. This message does not constitute a commitment by Europol unless otherwise indicated. ******************* ******************* DISCLAIMER : This message is sent in confidence and is only intended for the named recipient. If you receive this message by mistake, you may not use, copy, distribute or forward this message, or any part of its contents or rely upon the information contained in it. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the relevant e-mails from any computer. This message does not constitute a commitment by Europol unless otherwise indicated. *******************

Hi Sara, Assuming that law enforcement indeed has insurmountable problems obtaining the address of a resource holder during an investigation, and given all the international mechanisms and legislation currently in place, I think this is a big assumption, is there really no better idea you can come up with besides just publishing a bunch of personal information in a public database? Regards, Alex Le Heux
On Oct 10, 2018, at 07:21 , Marcolla, Sara Veronica <Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu> wrote:
Hi Mark,
You are indeed right. Very often self-employed people and really tiny undertakings with specific activities operate from the private address of the owner which then doubles as the address of the undertaking. However, for what I can understand this Regulation does not cover the processing of personal data which concerns legal persons and in particular undertakings established as legal persons, including the name and the form of the legal person and the contact details of the legal person. But even those have to be somewhat recorded as businesses in their country, right?
I would like to clarify that the aim of the proposal was never aimed to publish information for which a warrant is needed. Only data that is publicly available in national company registries.
This is why I am actually liking a lot your idea of publishing the number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. This wouldhelp to unambiguously identify the resource holder, without prejudice to the privacy of the individuals. The NCC has the registration number from the registration papers that resource holders must sent them. Many countries allow now to verify company details online, and for the others, it will be a small step of additional due diligence (like thoroughly checking the registration paper or asking for additional documentation). Implementing it could imply slightly more manual work as we only started recently to save the registration numbers of new members. Still, that would be something RIPE NCC would need to sort out if such proposal would reach consensus.
@ All
What would you think if the proposal would be adjusted in that way (to publish the registration number and the country of registration for resource holder)?
If there is a CSIRT rep on the list I’d as well like to hear their opinion on this.
Kind regards, Sara
From: Mark Scholten [mailto:mark@mscholten.eu] Sent: 10 October 2018 12:32 To: Marcolla, Sara Veronica; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: RE: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Hello Sara,
If no address is used that is used as a home by someone and it is verified by RIPE NCC it can work. However a business address can be a home address at the same time. When that happens I'm strongly against publishing it.
A better option is to mention the country off the resource holder and a number provided by a chamber of commerce or similar in the specific country. And if they don't have that some other number that can be used to identify the organization. That way the legal system can work as normal (you can find someone based on this number) and no new publication of an address is required.
At this moment I'm against this proposal and as long as at least this isn't resolved I will be against.
Kind regards, Mark
From: Marcolla, Sara Veronica [mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu] Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:58 To: Mark Scholten; ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: @EXT: RE: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Hi Mark,
I read your concern about individual privacy and I am sure that in the implementation of the policy, the safeguards and guarantees that are aimed at protecting personal privacy and individual rights, especially following the provisions of the GDPR, will be guaranteed. On this point, I believe that even in this strong disagreement, we do agree.
The aim of the policy, as you indeed understand, is to publish the location of where to address non-technical concerns. That we like it or not, there are other reasons that call for the need of quickly contacting a resource holder other than a merely technical issue. And as Internet is global but chamber of commerce databases are local, it is to be welcome an addition to a database that can serve this purpose. Do you agree?
In this sense, it is indeed helping to speed up legal processes - and it speeds up the most basic first hurdle, that is “to whom can I address my concerns that are not of (purely) technical nature”? I am not only speaking here of Law Enforcers - but I am also speaking here of all those entities that have to put into practice provisions coming from the NIS Directive for example, or perhaps even the GDPR. All these require to immediately contact for legal reason an entity, and this policy proposal would be a step into this direction. All what can be done on the technical level (and you rightfully mention RPKI and other measures surely effective technically) needs to be complemented by what can be done to facilitate certain processes in place that require actions other than technical. There are as well as you say other actions to speed up other parts of the legal process and they are being explored, but this proposal complements them, does not substitute them. I know. It might sound a little philosophical but is in the end reflecting the reality of what internet is now: not only a community of technicians and enthusiasts, but a wider one.
Kind regards, Sara Marcolla
Typed with a very tiny keyboard this mistakes can occur
From: Mark Scholten <mark@mscholten.eu> Date: Thursday, 27 Sep 2018, 10:12 PM To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
This should have come from my personal account.
This are my personal opinions.
Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Stream Service Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 23:08 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway.
Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep this in mind with any policy that is created.
This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe.
Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a problem. A non-technical solution will not help in this situation.
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for the resources
There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it.
In short: I'm strongly against the policy.
Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
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Il 10/10/18 13:21, Marcolla, Sara Veronica ha scritto:
What would you think if the proposal would be adjusted in that way (to publish the _registration number and the country of registration for resource holder_)?
That's what I suggested as a last resort, so I cannot disagree. But for your purpose I think it's completely useless, a waste of time and resources. They will make fun of you for years, I'm already smiling. The information in the whois is usually provided by the same guy you will be looking for. If I were a detective, I would trust whois less than a drunk fortune-teller. Imagine a scenario like this: Alice is a LIR, Bob is Alice's customer. Bob rents a /29 to Charlie. Bob dutifully informs Alice to register the /28 inetnum object to Charlie. Data pops out in the whois. Charlie attacks a bank in the United Arab Emirates, then he runs with the emirati dirham without paying Bob. Dubai police calls you and asks to catch the rascal. Question: If Charlie give Bob a satisfactory advanced untraceable payment and some random company data (maybe gathered from the whois, how fun), will or will not the whois lookup give Charlie even more advance in the run? Ok, I know, in real life Charlie would simply crack Dave's smart teapot, but the scenario is real. This is how people usually work in businessland: they pursue payments not truth or perfection. Whois is not and will never be a reliable source of information. Whois is not even good to track allocations, if I had a cent for every spam email from unallocated address space I would have enough money to buy the internet. Regards, -- Nik Soggia - TELNET S.r.l. Phone: +39-0382-529751 Via Buozzi, 5 - 27100 Pavia, Italy Fax: +39-0382-528074

On 10 Oct 2018, at 15:27, Nik Soggia <registry@telnetwork.it> wrote:
Whois is not and will never be a reliable source of information.
Surely not?!?! I thought criminals, spammers and other scumbags were always very diligent about providing timely and accurate whois data. Aren’t there laws about that? :-)

Sara, the regulation covers all data that can directly or indirectly result to the identification of a natural person "However, information in relation to one-person companies may constitute personal data where it allows the identification of a natural person." https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rules-busines... On 10/10/2018 2:21 μμ, Marcolla, Sara Veronica wrote:
You are indeed right. Very often self-employed people and really tiny undertakings with specific activities operate from the private address of the owner which then doubles as the address of the undertaking. However, for what I can understand this Regulation does not cover the processing of personal data which concerns legal persons and in particular undertakings established as legal persons, including the name and the form of the legal person and the contact details of the legal person. But even those have to be somewhat recorded as businesses in their country, right?
-- Panagiotis SIKAS Systems and Networks Group Institute of Computer Science Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas email: sikas@ics.forth.gr

+1 -----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg <ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net> On Behalf Of Stream Service Sent: 28. syyskuuta 2018 0:08 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) Hello, I'm against this policy. Publishing the a number that refers to some local chamber of commerce registration is not a problem for me (if the resource holder is a company). However having an extra location to publish the address is something I'm against. Especially when the address/building is also the home of someone. If someone has a genuine right to obtain the address they will likely be able to get it anyway. Also in some cases the resource holder is a natural person. Please keep this in mind with any policy that is created. This policy greatly violates any privacy law that might apply. At least when the home address of someone is published. If it is a private person that is the resource holder publishing the address is also a privacy violation I believe. Now about the rationale:
To make it more difficult for malicious actors to hijack block of IP addresses and therefore play a preventive role in protecting the community against malicious actors
Competent authorities to serve legal process to the party responsible for
I don't believe this to be true. The only thing that really helps against malicious actors are technical actions that can be taken by networks to prevent accepting any routes that are not good. RPKI might help and other options might exist or can be created in the future when there is a problem. A non-technical solution will not help in this situation. the resources There are already legal options to get the relevant information and to contact the resource holder. No change for this is required to make it possible.
To reduce delays in serving legal process, avoid lost leads and evidence
A better option for this is to look into the legal process and try to speed that up in general. This doesn't help for it. In short: I'm strongly against the policy. Regards, Mark
-----Original Message----- From: ncc-services-wg [mailto:ncc-services-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Marco Schmidt Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 15:11 To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder)
Dear colleagues,
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the RIPE Working Group Chairs, decides how to proceed with the proposal.
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 26 October 2018.
Kind regards,
Marco Schmidt Policy Officer RIPE NCC
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
participants (11)
Alex Le Heux
Carsten Schiefner
Christoffer Hansen (Lists)
Jetten Raymond
Jim Reid
Marco Schmidt
Marcolla, Sara Veronica
Mark Scholten
Nik Soggia
Panagiotis Sikas
Stream Service