Fwd: DRAFT Services WG minutes

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 All, please find attached the minutes from the last RIPE NCC Services WG meeting. Please send any comments or corrections. Best regards, - - kurtis -
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RIPE NCC Services Working Group Summary (RIPE 48)
Date: Tuesday 4 May 2004 Time: 14.00 - 15.30 Location: Grand Ballroom
Date: Thursday 6 May 2004 Time: 11.00 - 12.30 Location: Grand Ballroom
A. Administrative Matters B. Axel - RIPE NCC Update / 2005 Activity Plan C. RIPE NCC - LIR Portal Update E. Kurtis Lindqvist - WG input for the 2005 Activity Plan F. Filiz Yilmaz - Authentication for Hostmaster Robot G. Daniel Karrenberg - De-Bogonising New Address Blocks Y. Open Microphone Z. AOB
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-48/presentations/ripe48- nccserv-agenda.pdf ********************************************************************
A. Kurtis Lindqvist - Administrative Matters ********************************** Chair: Kurtis Lindqvist - Netnod Internet Exchange Co-Chair: Bijal Sanghani - Flag Telecom Scribes: Eamonn McGuinness, Nathalie Dougall
Minutes from RIPE 47 approved: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/ncc-services/r47-minutes.html
B. RIPE NCC Update / 2005 Activity Plan Presented by: Axel Pawlik - RIPE NCC Managing Director http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-48/presentations/ripe48- nccserv-ncc-update.pdf *********************************************************************** Axel spoke about the 2004 and 2005 Activity Plans. Members were asked to think about their input for the 2005 Activity Plan. The agenda point at the 2nd session of this working group (Thursday morning) is where people can provide input and/or raise any issues of concern. People are also encouraged to approach Axel, and/or other member of the RIPE NCC staff, and/or any of the attending RIPE NCC Board members to speak privately should they be hesitant to do in the public arena.
Within Registration Services (RS), the RIPE NCC Hostmasters are trying to improve how they interact with customers. The Local Internet Registry (LIR) Portal has many useful features such as new request forms, wizards and so on. Reverse Delegation is in the process of becoming more automated and straightforward.
The RIPE NCC is unhappy with IANA at the moment as it is still waiting for a new block of IPv6 addresses. They were notified in February to expect a large request from the RIPE NCC as requests from members are being received. Feedback received from IANA was positive. However when the RIPE NCC requested an additional IPv6 block at the end of March, IANA responded that they had issues with the request and needed to discuss it with the IAB (Internet Architecture Board) first. It was made clear that the IAB are not at fault.
Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) asked what exactly is the problem?
Axel (RIPE NCC Managing Director) said in the past it was decided that IANA give /23 blocks of IPv6 to each RIR which was fine so far. But now the RIPE NCC are receiving requests which justify larger allocations, hence the request for a larger allocation than a /23.
Gert Doering (SpaceNet) wanted to clarify a small point, that the community were actually not so happy that only /23s were allocated to the RIR's. Larger blocks should have been given.
- -Back to the presentation-
Axel highlighted that the RIPE NCC are being proactive in scheduling member training courses alongside related conferences in the RIPE service region.
AfriNIC should become the next established RIR at the end of 2004, or in early 2005. The 1st AfriNIC open policy meeting will be held in Dakar in May - http://www.afrinic.net.
The Membership Liaison Officers (MLOs) are responsible for improving co-ordination and to provide further outreach to the RIPE NCC community. There are two more Regional Meetings planned in 2004: Moscow and Nairobi.
The RIPE NCC Communications department are co-ordinating with the other RIRs to report consistent and accurate data to news agencies and media when necessary.
Axel reported that the RIPE NCC is planning another Membership Survey in 2005 as the previous one (2002) was very useful. Many suggestions from the previous survey were implemented as can be seen from this
year's Annual Report and Activity Plan.
Wilfried Woeber (UniVie / ACOnet asked why these regional meetings are free of charge and why they weren't self-sufficient, like the RIPE Meetings.
Axel explained that the Regional Meetings are RIPE NCC meetings, not RIPE meetings. The difference is that the RIPE NCC goes out into a specific region, meeting directly with the membership, according to needs of that region. This is a different focus than the open process of RIPE meetings.
The 2002 Membership Survey and other sources expressed the opinion that some parts of the RIPE region were unaware or unfamiliar with the RIPE NCC and with general policies and procedures. Regional desks were suggested, thus the MLO role was created within the RIPE NCC. The first obvious region to meet was the Middle East, followed by Russia. The goals of these meetings are to educate, increase knowledge and allow the RIPE NCC to be more accessible to members in remote regions. These meetings also afford us the opportunity to speak with government agencies and so forth.
C. RIPE NCC / LIR Portal Update Presented by: Vesna Manojlovic - RIPE NCC Advanced Courses Trainer http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-48/presentations/ripe48- nccserv-lirportal.pdf ******************************************************************** Vesna began by asking how many of the present audience uses the LIR Portal. Nearly everyone put their hand up.
During the presentation Wilfried Woeber (UniVie / ACOnet) asked what 'RSS' stands for?
Vesna explained that RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication'. It is a web syndication protocol used primarily by news websites and web logs.
Vesna reported how the tools on the LIR Portal are helping the RIPE NCC's members acquire IP address resources quickly. This in turn allows the RIPE NCC to concentrate more time assisting new and inexperienced LIRs. Vesna concluded by saying that all feedback and input from the membership is welcome and does make a difference.
Andre Koopal (MCI) would like to be able to have access to the messages in the Hostmaster tickets his LIR has with the RIPE NCC.
Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) ended the discussion reiterating the fact that the original intention was for an LIR to give this presentation but there were no volunteers. He would like to get a volunteer for the next RIPE meeting in Manchester in September 2004.
E. Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) - WG input for the 2005 Activity Plan *************************************************** Kurtis reminded everyone why this working group was set up - to provide input and dialogue to the Activity Plan of the RIPE NCC. The work the RIPE NCC does should reflect the wishes and needs of the community.
When there was no response from the audience when asked if anyone gave any feedback to the RIPE NCC about the Activity Plan for 2005, Kurtis asked if everyone were happy for the RIPE NCC to take care of compiling the Activity Plan on their own. Again there was no response.
Axel Pawlik (RIPE NCC Managing Director) was not surprised, but still a little disappointed at not receiving any feedback on this topic. He will give a similar presentation (Agenda item B.) on Friday afternoon during the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) where members will be present. This therefore presents another formal opportunity for RIPE NCC members to give input and thoughts on the AP. If Axel or the RIPE NCC Board do not receive any feedback they will take this as approval to go ahead with the plan. Axel reminded everyone that the Activity Plan would be published to the RIPE NCC membership in August 2004, a few weeks before the General Meeting at RIPE 49 in Manchester in September 2004.
Kurtis pleaded to the community to give input and feedback with respect to the Activity Plan. If it is difficult to speak up at the meeting, then emails to Axel and/or the RIPE NCC Board Members are also an option. It is worrying that there appears to be silence on this issue.
F. Authentication for Hostmaster Robot Presented by: Filiz Yilmaz - RIPE NCC Senior Hostmaster http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-48/presentations/ripe48- nccserv-hm-robot.pdf ********************************************************************** After Filiz gave her presentation, Gert Doering (SpaceNet) said that in his opinion the problem with PGP is the key management (user keys, Hostmaster key etc.) and the RIPE NCC have solved this now. He suggested a script could be added to the LIR Portal for users who can choose to have their e-mails encrypted or not. Then the RIPE NCC Hostmasters can accept the e-mails as encrypted or not.
Shane Kerr (RIPE NCC Software Manager) was more cautious as this change would not come without complications. He explained how many LIR Portal users lose their keys but the RIPE NCC cannot suddenly stop communicating with LIRs in those cases. Signing is easier, as the e-mail is visible and the user knows what the RIPE NCC is trying to send them and vice versa. The RIPE NCC can look at their mail logs and see what is going on there. There is already an infrastructure for key management and recovery in place.
Another problem Shane reported is that some communication is not only "one-to-one", but also sometimes "one-to-many". This complicates the picture quite a bit. All of the recipients have to read the e-mail and if some do not have a PGP key or X.509 there is simply no way to encrypt it for them. It was decided not to pursue the effort of going into this issue in great detail before the last RIPE Meeting, because of the complications it poses, therefore the RIPE NCC decided to focus on verifying the correctness of the e-mail before starting to encrypt it.
Once this is done, the RIPE community will have to be asked if it is worth the effort for the RIPE NCC to go over all of these issues and put together a plan.
Randy Bush (IIJ) asked, regarding automated software signing of messages with PGP and X.509, how those keys are maintained and revoked and so on. This is in light of the fact that if this process is being done automatically, are there keys on a hard disk which may pose a security risk?
Shane (RIPE NCC Software Manager) responded by saying it is RIPE NCC's policy to have extra secure hosts. These include CA and the RIPE NCC's PGP signing box. There are two or three hosts, which have a limited access and are connected directly to a single box, which is not on the fabric of the RIPE NCC's network. The Operations Department of the RIPE NCC can access most of the machines in the RIPE NCC. These boxes have a smaller set of Administrators with access. The hosts are secure so the keys are not generally available.
The RIPE NCC takes security seriously. For PGP there is a key-signing box and a set of procedures where the keys are changed regularly. Even so, Shane admits the RIPE NCC has not published their old keys recently and he promises to get that fixed shortly.
Randy Bush (IIJ) asserted that presuming hosts are secure is a rather weak assumption.
Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) asked Shane if there has there been any more co-ordination work done with the other RIR's regarding X.509?
Shane (RIPE NCC Software Manager) said the RIPE NCC is willing to make a more detailed presentation on the underlining issues of PGP encryption if the community wishes. The RIPE NCC put together this presentation because they would like to start building it. Shane asked the audience if the community were supportive of the proposal. There were no objections to the proposal.
ACTIONS ******** 48.1 RIPE NCC - To make a more detailed presentation on PGP encryption. 48.2 RIPE NCC - To start implementing the key-signing proposal.
G. De-Bogonising New Address Blocks Presented by: Daniel Karrenberg - RIPE NCC Chief Scientist http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-48/presentations/ripe48- nccserv-debogon.pdf ********************************************************************* This presentation highlights the connectivity problems of LIR's who receive address space out of very new /8's the RIPE NCC receive from the IANA. The problem is that it takes too much time for all operators to update their bogon filters.
Geoff Huston (TELSTRA) pointed out that the address prefixes stated in the presentation are taken from the RIPE whois database and not from the delegated zone files of the RIPE NCC. The address prefixes stored in the RIPE NCC's delegated files are more reliable as (a) handed out officially by the RIPE NCC, (b) are in use and (c) can be routed.
Geoff expressed his opinion regarding the necessity of using the delegated files as authority if the community wants to be serious about using correct bogon information. The Whois Databases should not be relied upon, as they are problematic for all kinds of reasons. He would not advise anyone doing real-live packet filtering to rely on a Whois Database.
Daniel Karrenberg (RIPE NCC Chief Scientist) agreed and said the RIPE NCC will amend this procedure.
The final slide of the presentation called for input from the audience about this pilot. Would people like to see this make into a RIPE document with the intention of becoming a regular RIPE NCC service?
Geoff Huston (TELSTRA) asked for more granularity when producing information on bogons. Addresses that have been allocated or assigned but are in an "active" /8 make ideal bogons for miscreants. The RIPE NCC should publish this information.
Ruediger Volk (Deutsche Telecom) was next to say he would like the RIRs to clarify what address space each has given out so far. This would allow an understanding of what address space is in use and what is not.
Ruediger believes only the RIRs and IANA can and should do this.
Andre Koopal (MCI) thinks the RIPE NCC should take the responsibility of clarifying what they have allocated and what shouldn't be in the bogon list. Additionally, he thinks that IANA should define the list of where the real bogons are, not the RIPE NCC.
Daniel Karrenberg (RIPE NCC Chief Scientist) reminded the audience that the RIPE NCC started this de-bogonising pilot because of the many complaints they received from LIRs. There was pressure for the RIPE NCC to provide some relief, to be seen to do something to tackle the problem. There have been mostly positive reactions to the pilot although at this stage it is more ad hoc relief than an actual solution.
Andre Koopal (MCI) wishes to see the pilot become a permanent RIPE NCC service.
Randy Bush (IIJ) would like an effort made to look at the problems from the front rather than using ad hoc relief. He agrees with Geoff Huston that the underlying data is weak, not well defined and lacks proper signed distribution.
Geoff Huston (TELSTRA) specifies there are approximately 2,000 entries (out of approximately 210,000) whose data are unclear, most of which are /24 networks. It is not clear if those records have been allocated or not. This kind of data needs to be accurate in order to have a trustful bogon filter.
Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) asked if something is being done to prevent similar problems happening in IPv6?
According to Daniel Karrenberg (RIPE NCC Chief Scientist) and Gert Doering (SpaceNet), these issues with IPv6 have not risen yet. It was not specified as a requirement for this pilot. Gert stated people are filtering far too loosely with IPv6 and the problem is not the prefixes not propagating, but garbage propagating everywhere. There does not appear to be a problem with non-reachability due to bogon filters. He asserts the problems discussed here are not evident in IPv6. IPv6 has other problems.
Gert thinks there may be scientific interest to measure propagation, especially to counter mistakes made in the past with IPv4.
Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) posed the question to the audience: Would there be interest to give the RIPE NCC a task to go to IANA to try to clean up the data?
Daniel Karrenberg answered that all the RIR's have this task already.
Geoff Huston (TELSTRA) spoke that as a customer of RIR data and as an operator he needs to rely on accurate data. The IANA and the RIR's need to fixed the current inconsistencies. Currently within the RIR communities information is published about address space in a number of different formats; delegated files, Whois, RIPE NCC documents. They are not all drawn from the same underlining database, they cannot be because there is inconsistency, he said.
Geoff believes it is worth the RIR's effort to have an accurate and consistent listing of what address space is in use and what is not, on at least a 24-hour cycle. Then people will know what to expect in their routers. IPv6 or IPv4 makes no difference.
Shane Kerr (RIPE NCC Software Manager) addressed the WG to say the RIPE NCC are aware and have foundation plans to improve consistency of registration data across the RIR's and IANA. However the current plan is to wait until the ERX (Early Registration Transfer Project: http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/pub-services/db/erx.html) is finished. This would allow the RIPE NCC to clean up the data it currently holds first before addressing the inconsistency problem.
Nevertheless the RIPE NCC wanted to use this pilot to gauge from this working group about how much effort should be spend on this because it will be expensive in terms of cost and time to pursue it further. It will take time away from answering requests for new IP resources for example and Shane does not have a good feeling yet how much time the community wishes the RIPE NCC spend on addressing this data consistency issue.
Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) asked Shane if the RIPE NCC is waiting for the ERX to finish, and if anything was being done right now to clean the data?
Shane Kerr (RIPE NCC Software Manager) explained how historically it used to be the case that anyone could register anything in the RIPE Whois Database at any time. There was never an effort to clean up or make the data consistent in the past in a systematic way. Right now, as the ERX proceeds the RIPE NCC are cleaning up the data within each /8 systematically and once the ERX is complete the RIPE NCC will be able to know that at least the data from those /8 blocks is good. Shane confirmed that most of the garbage left resides in the 192/8 block. Historically this block is quite a mess.
When the ERX project finishes the RIPE NCC would like to go back and start looking at the data in the oldest blocks, 193/8, 194/8 & 195/8. These are of the vintage 1993 - 1995 era. In order to do this however it will take human beings going through old mail logs and files and so forth.
Geoff Huston (TELSTRA) felt it was worth the effort if the community wants a secure routing system that is robust against determined and professional attempts to abuse it. Filtering will not help. The data must be trusted from the beginning. The people who can clarify what address blocks have been allocated are the RIR's.
Geoff went on to say the price of a secure routing system is ultimately cleaning up the data first so reliable and trusted attestations can be made about address space.
Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) agrees and sees this task as important as making new delegations. The Bogon issue is important. It already causes a lot of havoc, which amounts to cost to the LIRs. Kurtis suggested it might be cheaper to clean the data up in the long run than to leave it as it is at the moment.
Leo Vegoda (RIPE NCC Registration Services Manager) explained that some old last resort registries had passed their allocations to the RIPE NCC. However, not all of them had passed the documentation for the assignments they had made. This means that the RIPE NCC cannot easily validate database entries. Cleaning things up will take considerable input from the operator community as well as the RIPE NCC.
Daniel Karrenberg (RIPE NCC Chief Scientist) agrees with Leo and although he is RIPE NCC staff he also agrees with Geoff Huston that this is the RIR's core business and time should be spent on this task.
Ruediger Volk (Deutsche Telecom) agrees the data needs to be cleaned and recommended to quickly setup RS set names or something similar without delay.
Kurtis Lindqvist (Chair) asked the audience if they do NOT think the RIPE NCC should spend time and effort to try to clean up the bogus data?
- -Silence from the audience-
As there were no comments, Kurtis said that this is clear consensus. The message (apparently) is that the community wants the RIPE NCC to spend time and effort pursuing the goal to clean up the registration data. He acknowledges it is probably going to cost some money so he suggested to possibly making a standard reporting item on the RIPE NCC to report on the progress of this task and then cost and plans can come from there.
48.3 Chair - Add standard agenda item to report on progress of data quality.
Y. Open Microphone
- -There were no Open Microphone discussions-
participants (1)
Kurt Erik Lindqvist