Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2012-07 New Draft Document and Impact Analysis Published (RIPE NCC Services to Legacy Internet Resource Holders)

Hi WG, Clarifying the "legal" status of the legacy holders without taking away any of their pre-existing rights is an improvement over the current undefined and ad-hoc practices, and I think it will likely cause a positive incentive for these organisations to actively participate in the community and to keep their registry entries accurate, which is a benefit not only to the legacy holders themselves and the RIPE NCC and its membership, but the entire internet and routing communities as a whole. I believe 2012-07 accomplishes the above while striking a decent balance between the interests of all involved parties. That said, I do not see the purpose of section 2.4 «Option to engage directly with the RIPE NCC». Section 2.2 «Option to become a RIPE NCC member» seems to me to accomplish the same thing, only without requiring a new contract class to be established. Having only two options (full member, or registered via a sponsoring LIR) would maintain consistency with current operational practices regarding PI assignments, and would reduce the operational impact of this policy as existing business structures and practices already instated for PI holders could be re-used for legacy holders. For this reason I will likely vote against the creation of such a special contract option at the AGM. Nor do I see the purpose of section 2.5 «When there are obstacles for 2.1/2.2/2.3/2.4», as section 2.6 «No relationship» seems to cover this case. Perhaps it's only my imagination being limited, but the only likely "obstacle" I can envision here is that the resource holder cannot produce adequate proof of ownership, and in that case section 2.6 ("the status quo, but no more") seems like the the most reasonable way to proceed. I'd certainly be opposed to the RIPE NCC unilaterally having to "confirm" such unproved ownership, e.g., by providing certification services, in the same way as if ownership was properly proven according to the provisions in sections 2.1 through 2.4. That said, the Impact Analysis seems to me to say that section 2.5 would be implemented in pretty much the same way as section 2.6, so I suppose there is no real cause for concern here even though the policy text itself makes me somewhat uneasy. So in summary, while I would have preferred to see sections 2.4 and 2.5 be removed completely, I consider the proposal as a whole to provide a net benefit. Therefore: Support. Tore (a RIPE NCC member who holds no legacy resources)

* Tore Anderson
So in summary, while I would have preferred to see sections 2.4 and 2.5 be removed completely, I consider the proposal as a whole to provide a net benefit. Therefore: Support.
Replying to myself because I forgot to mention something yesterday: I fail to see the point in having sections 2.1 and 2.2 as two separate options. They describe essentially the same option - where the legacy holder is (in the end) a RIPE NCC member. In my opinion it goes without saying that if the legacy holder opts for this option, then a) if he is not already a RIPE NCC member, then he would need to first join; or conversely, b) if he is already a RIPE NCC member, he would not need to (re-)join. Describing this as a single option would IMHO have made the policy more concise and easily understood. But fixing this would just be the icing on the cake - I still support the adoption of the proposal as-is («perfect is the enemy of good»). This particular imperfection, and the other things I mentioned yesterday, can be cleaned up later if someone cares enough to do so. Tore
participants (1)
Tore Anderson