Candidates for NCC Services WG Co-chair

Dear colleagues, The nomination period for co-chair of the NCC Services Working Group closed yesterday, and we are happy to say we have two candidates: - Stefan Wahl - Janos Zsako Between now and our meeting in Rome, we'd like to invite the candidates to say why they would like to co-chair the working group, and we'd ask participants in the WG to express support for one or other candidate. Cheers, Rob & Bijal

Dear Working Group members,
Between now and our meeting in Rome, we'd like to invite the candidates to say why they would like to co-chair the working group, and we'd ask participants in the WG to express support for one or other candidate.
I am Janos Zsako, one of the candidates. I suspect many of you, if not most of you know me already from the RIPE meetings that I have been attending since RIPE 21 which happened to be also in Rome, back in 1995. I have attended most RIPE meetings since. I was on the Executive Board for 12 years and I was adviser to the EB for another 5 years. I was the Treasurer for 9 years, and I have been continuously following the activity of several Working Groups, including the NCC Services one - from its inception. I participated in several Task Forces over the years. I think - and hope - that the activity of this Working Group will increase in the years to come, especially as the budget for next year had to be cut significantly, and on a longer term the community will have to decide carefully which activities and projects should be sustained or introduced. I expect to have more discussion on these topics. I would like to serve the community with my knowledge and work, in order to keep the RIPE NCC and the RIPE community the leading factor of the Internet. I think I could be useful in this role of NCC Services co-chair. I would be very honoured if you selected me for this task. Best regards, Janos
Cheers, Rob & Bijal

Dear Janos, Thanks to offer your time to serve within the NCC Services WG. I'm sure that, if you're selected, you will perform an excellent job! Best regards Hervé Orange Restricted -----Message d'origine----- De : ncc-services-wg <> De la part de Janos Zsako Envoyé : mardi 21 novembre 2023 09:53 À : Objet : Re: [ncc-services-wg] Candidates for NCC Services WG Co-chair Dear Working Group members,
Between now and our meeting in Rome, we'd like to invite the candidates to say why they would like to co-chair the working group, and we'd ask participants in the WG to express support for one or other candidate.
I am Janos Zsako, one of the candidates. I suspect many of you, if not most of you know me already from the RIPE meetings that I have been attending since RIPE 21 which happened to be also in Rome, back in 1995. I have attended most RIPE meetings since. I was on the Executive Board for 12 years and I was adviser to the EB for another 5 years. I was the Treasurer for 9 years, and I have been continuously following the activity of several Working Groups, including the NCC Services one - from its inception. I participated in several Task Forces over the years. I think - and hope - that the activity of this Working Group will increase in the years to come, especially as the budget for next year had to be cut significantly, and on a longer term the community will have to decide carefully which activities and projects should be sustained or introduced. I expect to have more discussion on these topics. I would like to serve the community with my knowledge and work, in order to keep the RIPE NCC and the RIPE community the leading factor of the Internet. I think I could be useful in this role of NCC Services co-chair. I would be very honoured if you selected me for this task. Best regards, Janos
Cheers, Rob & Bijal
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On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 09:53:05AM +0100, Janos Zsako wrote: Dear Janos,
Dear Working Group members,
Between now and our meeting in Rome, we'd like to invite the candidates to say why they would like to co-chair the working group, and we'd ask participants in the WG to express support for one or other candidate.
I am Janos Zsako, one of the candidates.
I would be very honoured if you selected me for this task.
Thanks for offering your time and experience. I would like to express my support for you, as I believe you will do a great job being a wg co-chair. Best, Piotr -- Piotr Strzyżewski

Hi Janos!
I would be very honoured if you selected me for this task.
I would be happy to see you as one of the chairs Sander

Hi, my name is Stefan Wahl and I am a candidate for the vacant position of WG-Chair. First of all, I would like to thank Kurtis for the time and work he has put in over the years and wish him all the best. In Rotterdam I was asked if I would be interested in running for WG Chair. I was very pleased because in all the years I've spent in the RIPE community I have always wondered how I could give something back and this seems like the perfect opportunity. Given my previous jobs and personal activities I feel very well equipped to fill the position. Over the years, I have learned to manage complex problem scenarios and work with different stake holders towards common goals. These experiences have already helped me in the past --- whether it was in my management position at ECIX, serving on boards of associations such as EuroIX, or in moderating discussions on and off stage. I have learned to listen, draw conclusions, and motivate people to work together. From my perspective, being a Working Group chair, especially in NCC Services, requires exactly these skills. I would be very happy to serve the RIPE community together with Bijal and Rob in the NCC Services WG for the coming years. Best Regards, Stefan
Am 16.11.2023 um 12:21 schrieb Rob Evans <>:
Dear colleagues,
The nomination period for co-chair of the NCC Services Working Group closed yesterday, and we are happy to say we have two candidates:
- Stefan Wahl - Janos Zsako
Between now and our meeting in Rome, we'd like to invite the candidates to say why they would like to co-chair the working group, and we'd ask participants in the WG to express support for one or other candidate.
Cheers, Rob & Bijal
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Stefan WAHL Consultant E: T: +491734792259 Open7 e.Kfm. Lindenallee 27 14050 Berlin Germany VAT: DE359096348
participants (6)
Janos Zsako
Piotr Strzyzewski
Rob Evans
Sander Steffann
Stefan Wahl