Re: [ncc-services-wg] Fwd: Fwd: Re: New mailing list hardware and software at the RIPE NCC

Could this be done on the server level, using HTTP redirection? Judging from the lack of response and the present brokenness of a myriad of links, apparently not. :( Please try to avoid similar flaws when carrying out future changes.
Hello, Thank you for your feedback, and sorry for the delay in replying. The old archiving system that was in use until recently was no longer maintained and had several issues that resulted in problems with the generated archives. In cooperation with our IT department, we chose a newer, more resilient system and completed the implementation a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, the message indexes follow a completely different pattern in the new system, so it is not a simple matter of redirecting through HTTP. After the feedback received regarding this move, we are looking into ways of implementing a programmatic solution that would allow old links to function with the new system. However, that will not be available straight away and will require development and testing. We apologise for the inconvenience caused in the meantime. Regards, -- Mihnea-Costin Grigore RIPE NCC Web Services Team Leader --
participants (1)
Mihnea-Costin Grigore