RIPE-301 (specifically about closed registries) 3.8: "In cases where End Users of an LIR keep the address space assigned to them after the LIR closes, the LIR maintainer in the database objects representing these assignments needs to be removed and replaced by the RIPE NCC maintainer. The LIR should provide the RIPE NCC with a list of relevant database objects agreeing to the RIPE NCC overwriting the current LIR maintainer." OK, I missed this as "my" LIR was closed due to non-payment after my previous "issues". That not-withstanding, the actualy allocations to end-users remain, and should be maintainable, even if very slowly, somehow. RIPE-301 does not (in 4.0) imply that end-user assignments (and ASes) are automatically removed where an LIR is closed by RIPE - in fact it implies the opposite, but doesn't say it explicity. If we get to the situation where the object would have been correctly and timely changed to the NCC maintainer, it appears that the current robot behaviour would still be the same; This page implies that it is *impossible* to communicate with RIPE unless you are an LIR: http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/mem-services/registration/status.html There is a chasm here between RIPE-301 and hostmaster@ripe.net etc. Is there a (poublic) solution ? rgds, -- Peter

Peter, if you need to communicate with us, as a non-member, then ncc@ripe.net works, as well as the telephone. regards, Axel
participants (2)
Axel Pawlik
Peter Galbavy