On 4 Sep 2009, at 09:59, Daniel Suchy wrote:
But RIPE NCC is wasting our money already and nobody really cares.
I'm not sure either of these things is true. You're complaining about the costs of this new functionality (both to the LIR and at the NCC). And there have been a few postings on the thread you started. So at least someone cares. :-) It does appear that the revamped LIR portal missed features that would have make life better for the members. Which is a pity. But IMO it's a bit of a jump to go from that to saying the work on the new portal is a waste of money. Yes, some things could and should have been done differently. Some NCC resources will not have been utilised perfectly. So the focus should now be on how to do better next time.
If we're talking about money, there should be published detailed development plans for LIR portal and such tools. We should know, where our money are spent.
Of course members are entitled to decide how their money is spent and know how that money is spent. However there are limitations. It's utterly impractical for the membership to micro-manage every aspect of the NCC's activities. Which presupposes the membership has the time and interest to do that. Imagine if the membership had to debate how much the NCC pays for a plane ticket or who supplies its paperclips or which model and configuration of routers it should buy. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for the membership to reach consensus on these things at that level of detail? If you accept the principle that decisions about implementation matters have to be delegated, the question becomes one of deciding where these delegation points are and what happens at them. There is a reasonably clear chain of authority/control here. The membership decides the NCC's overall strategy by voting on the annual activity plan and charging scheme (which of course determines the overall budget). They also elect the NCC board. The board delegate the actual running of the NCC to the management, particularly the CEO, and direct them to carry out the tasks in the activity plan. The board does not get directly involved in operational matters. The NCC's executive uses its expertise to manage the organisation's resources to deliver the services that the membership have asked for. The output from this WG helps shape the activity plan.
In activity plan (RIPE-439,426), there's no statement about upgrade plans for LIR portal like total code rewrite mentioned by Andrea Cima from RIPE yesterday.
IMO the information in 1.4.2 of the current activity plan covers the operation of the LIR portal in appropriate level of detail. This says what the LIR portal does and what its goals are. Within reason, it shouldn't matter to the membership how the NCC actually implements that portal. Of course if someone does have questions about those internal details, they can ask and will get answers. For instance if someone wants to know precisely how much the NCC has spent revamping the LIR portal, a question to the CEO, CFO or a board member is all it takes. Note that membership decisions about the activity plan have practical considerations too. In theory I suppose the activity plan could detail every line item of the budget for the coming year. And the membership could vote on each of these at the AGM. But would it work in practice? Would LIRs have the time or inclination to go through something that detailed? And would that be an efficient or effective way to manage the NCC? Can you imagine the number and extent of the rat-holes that such an approach would open up?
There should be wide analysis BEFORE real development starts. .... I don't remember any global email from RIPE NCC asking members for some feature requests for this very important tool.
I agree wholeheartedly. Perhaps this WG could suggest some processes which would allow more discussion and review on requirements? Note that there's also difficult balance to be struck here. As a predominantly technical group, LIRs will tend to focus on the minutae of implementation detail: buy $VENDOR's $MODEL hardware, use such and such a version of MySQL/PHP/Linux/whatever, etc, etc. It's all too easy to be side-tracked into these rat-holes. When that happens, no progress gets made and reaching consensus becomes harder. Which would leave the NCC in limbo if it needs to get membership approval/ consensus for (say) a reskin of the LIR portal. That said, I believe it's not beyond the capabilities of this WG to develop suitable processes to work with NCC staff to produce requirements, minitor progress, review deliberables and so on. Though I'm sceptical if this list's membership or the NCC membership more generally has the time and inclination to take on that task. Hopefully your postings and this discussion will encourage others to prove me wrong.
The process is wrong in general...
Well I think you might be over-stating things. Is there a problem here? It looks like there is. Communication could be better. Perhaps this WG should be more involved in scoping and reviewing requirements for the services provided by the NCC. But a mechanism for that hasn't been produced. Yet. IMO that doesn't mean things are generally broken. Or that there isn't room for improvement. RIPE and the NCC are open and transparent. If policies or processes need to be tweaked or changed, there are mechanisms to do that. IMO it's up to people like you to come forward with constructive proposals for making things better.
RIPE NCC has around 100 full-time employees already. It's not a little number, 55% of RIPE NCC incomes are spent in these people. We should know, what are these people really doing, if anybody mentions things like "we need more people for something". This is not a little number of employees.
True. I fully agree that it's right and proper for the NCC membership to ask questions about staffing and budgets. It's probably not appropriate for the membership to dabble in operational detail: eg what a particular employee is paid or how they spend their time. I'd also point out that the NCC head count has hovered around 100 FTEs for a while now. If anything it's come down from ~110-120 a few years ago IIRC. Broadly speaking the membership is content with the NCC's services and fees: though I accept there may well be grudging acceptance in some quarters. [There are a few services I'm convinced the NCC should not be doing but the membership disagrees. Oh well.] However if there was a significant concern about the fees and services, this would presumably be reflected in the votes at the AGM. That doesn't mean to say that the NCC's staff costs and budgets don't have to be monitored and reviewed regularly. After all that's one of the responsibilities of being an NCC member. At a macro level, the membership elect a board to carry out some of that scrutiny. Even so the RIPE NCC is membership organisation, so it's ultimately up to the LIRs to decide what the NCC does and how it should be done.