On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Gert Doering wrote:
On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 10:23:48PM +0100, Jørgen Hovland wrote:
There are actually some people here doing exactly that: Sending packets with an unroutable source-ip - with totally "legit" reasons.
Could you be somewhat more specific about these "legit" reasons?
Well.. Generally any device that would like to send messages without the need of a reply, or not in need of a reply through the same transport method/layer or ip (kind of asynchronous communication). I could name some, but I think what you are looking for is this: Routers with a non-routed ip-address by choice or by nature. IX-prefix for instance. IPv6 applies here specially. Besides from that there are software taking advantage of it like our own little project AP2P, truly anonymous P2P. Joergen Hovland ENK