On 8 May 2018, at 01:20, Artyom Gavrichenkov <ximaera@gmail.com> wrote:
I believe it would be much appreciated by the audience if those abstracts for accepted submissions are published on the Web site of a meeting together with plenary agenda. A title itself often doesn't tell the audience a lot about the content of the talk, while an abstract certainly does.
This is a good suggestion and I hope the PC takes note.
NANOG meetings, APRICOT and other conferences do maintain a policy of publishing this ahead of an event, along with the agenda. Maybe there's a solid reason why NCC avoids doing that?
Well RIPE holds meetings, not conferences. [But that seems to be changing unfortunately.] It's up to the Programme Committee, not the NCC, to decide what information is provided about the plenary sessions. WG chairs have the same responsibility for their WG agendas. The NCC just arrange to publish that information. They're not responsible for the content.