[pruned to ncc-services again] On 10.09 17:15, Johan Ihren wrote:
Daniel Karrenberg <daniel.karrenberg@ripe.net> writes:
Who is selling DNSSEC courses? The whole point of DISI is to kick-start
We do.
I was not aware of that. So given that, should we stop DISI and other kick-start like things. Or is the benefit to the membership as-a-whole and the community more important?
PS. With the Autonomica hat on: we also do DNS monitoring, quite similar to dnsmon, and for exactly the same reasons, i.e. to monitor our various DNS services, i.root-servers.net being one of them. To offset our costs for this we are offering this service on some sort of cost recovery basis to interested parties like TLDs.
Interesting. I have never seen any of it or seen it quoted anywhere.
In the end this is all about education. Everyone needs to understand that there is a cost associated with providing a service. If the service is offered "for free" that is just a metaphor for "someone else is paying for it".
Yes. And that someone else whould do so willingly of course. Daneil