At 03:09 PM 20-08-03 -0400, Bovio@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 20/08/03 17:34:19 W. Europe Daylight Time, kurtis@kurtis.pp.se writes: Personal attendance is a problem and is one of the issues that came out of the survey. From what I understand easier proxy voting is being worked on as well as on-line voting. Someone from RIPE NCC board or the RIPE NCC can probably give you more details.
Folks, Indeed the board has been exploring how to allow as many members as possible to vote. I am afraid our legal counsel advised us that electronic voting is not legal in the Netherlands, and the current proxy mechanism is the only viable form.
Well that more or less seals our fate since e-voting is out and proxy voting is limited to 2% of membership. From: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/articles-association.html Article 16, paragraph 4: "A proxy may not cast more than two percent (2%) of the total number of possible votes of all members of the association whether or not present or represented at the meeting." If i understand this correctly, if there are say 4000 LIR members (a wild guess, no idea); and say 50 attend the GM (wild guess - no idea how many generally attend); then you can only accept 80 proxy votes for a total of 130 voting members. To me this does not seem like true representation. How does the Executive Board intend to recify this? or not? -Hank