In message <20091028160953.GN58385@reiftel.karrenberg.net>, at 17:09:53 local time, on Wed, 28 Oct 2009, Daniel Karrenberg <daniel.karrenberg@ripe.net> remarked:
Acually MaxMind are also providing city. You can see this in REX when using the "Geolocation" tab. This tool provides a year of history too, so you can check what Maxmind thinks o any block you may be about to start using.
That gives an interesting view of my home IP address (within - currently "London", although for four months this summer they apparently split it into sixteen different cities. None of which is closer than 100Km to where I really live... But they got the country right (which is what intellectual-property-owning users of geolocation services seem most worried about). -- Roland Perry Public Affairs Officer, RIPE NCC