Dear all,

Below and shortly online you can find the NCC Services working group draft agenda, any additions or comments please let us know.

Best regards,
NCC Services working group chairs

Date: Wednesday 17 October 2018
Time: 16.00 - 17.45

Chair: Kurtis Lindqvist
Co-Chair: Bijal Sanghani

A. Administrative Matters (5 minutes)

Select a scribe
Finalise agenda
Approve minutes from RIPE 76

B. RIPE NCC Update
Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC (20 minutes)   

C. RIPE Community Project Fund
TBC, RIPE NCC (20 minutes)   
D. RIPE NCC Operational Update
Felipe Victolla Silveira, RIPE NCC (20 minutes)   

E. Training Services Credentialing Initiative
Rumy Kanis, RIPE NCC (20 minutes)

F. Policy Proposal - Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holders
Sara Veronica Marcolla, Europol (15 minutes)

G. Open Microphone Session (5 minutes)

Z. Closing