On 24 Aug 2012, at 08:25, Hank Nussbacher <hank@efes.iucc.ac.il> wrote:
I believe if you did an analysis of the 3000 allocations, you would find that many (my estimate - over 1700) are academic allocations and those NRENs are all paying members of RIPE NCC. And they have probably been paying members far longer than 99.9% of the RIPE membership (Janet, Renater, GARR, Surfnet, SWITCH, IUCC, etc.).
Hank, Are these address blocks registered to the academic institutions or to the nrens? If they are registered as being assigned directly to the institutions, I'm not sure why it's relevant that the nrens are paying members of the ripe ncc when comparing this situation to the arin LRSA. If they are registered to the nrens rather than the academic institutions then I can see that there would be a valid comparison here, which could be relevant if the ripe community were to agree that an arin style LRSA would be an appropriate means of resolving this situation. Nick