I replied, in all innocence, to the recent e-mail from NCC about the change to allocation objects - commenting on how an LIR like me cannot actually update the object themselves. Don't point me to the LIR portal - without a working fax number I cannot get an account. Been there, done that. Anyhow, I get back: -- quote -- The RIPE-NCC hostmaster distribution robot has extracted the following additional information from it: RegID: No valid RegId found Ticket Number: NCC#2003101214 We will NOT handle this message. It is of type NOREGIDBOUNCE. It concerns an ongoing request. -- ... -- Er, when you have a valid ticket number *why the hell* do you need a regID as well ??? Some people really have too much spare time and write too much code that doesn't consider the real world. Anyone else object to the over-babying of inbound mail to the NCC ? The prices stay high, the work they are willing to do goes down. As usual. Peter