On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:42:32AM +0100, Nick Hilliard wrote:
Regarding a presence at either the RIPE meeting or the GM, I see no particular reason to treat UANI differently to anyone else. I.e. as Jim noted, they are welcome to register, pay for and attend the RIPE meeting and even request observer status at the GM on the discretion of the board. But I'm not sure on what basis they are demanding that the GM hold an emergency debate on something which is a matter of legal procedure, when it is currently unclear what the RIPE NCC's legal obligations are on the matter.
The NCC PR states that they've been in contact with the Dutch trade ministry and are in compliance with regs so far. However, depending on how things play out on the geopolitical stage, this may not always be the case. Wouldn't it be interesting to hear a talk some time on the subject from RIRs who've already had to deal with these situations? Maybe ARIN (Cuba) or APNIC (North Korea)? rgds, Sascha Luck