Hello, I thought I'd chip in on 2012-07. The current version of the proposal is a huge improvement on v1.0 and thanks / kudos need to go to the authors for what was obviously a huge amount of work. I still have issues with a number of areas. Serious issues: Section 3.0 needs to include a term in the contract to state that the services provided by the RIPE NCC to the legacy resource holder are defined by RIPE community policy and may be amended from time to time, according to ripe community policy. Section 2.6 still provides carte blanche for legacy resource holders to freeload services off the RIPE NCC with no consequences. As a RIPE NCC member, I am not at all happy about this. The amount of work that the RIPE NCC is going to have to undertake to handle the legacy resource holder community is very large indeed, and it is not reasonable to expect the RIPE membership to foot the bill for those legacy resource holders who aren't members and who feel un-inclined to contribute towards registration services just because they couldn't be bothered to pay. Section 2.5: I see where this is coming from, namely there will probably be situations where the users of the address space will be unable to identify themselves adequately as having any claim to their assignment. However, this section is open to abuse and it concerns me that it's still there. I concede that there is a requirement to have some type of arrangement like this, but the wording of the current section needs to be tightened up considerably. Less serious issues: Section 2.4 is redundant. We have a well established precedent under the terms of 2007-01 for engaging with sponsoring LIRs and this seems to work well in practice. Creating this policy option merely adds cost to the RIPE NCC's bottom line for no gain. Nits: Section 3.0: "a statement that the RIPE NCC is not entitled to deregister the resources for whatever purpose unless so instructed by the resource holder". This statement is advisory only and it needs to be made clear that the sponsoring LIR does not have power to make a legally binding statement of this form. This actually applies to all four statements in section 3.0. Nick