X.509 is not the way to go. [...]
find pgp easier to deploy and use. some will provide x.509 easier. so the rirs accepting *both* would be good.
randy, a pgp kinda guy who also uses x.509 occasionally
I am kind of puzzled here. [...] So, I am bit surprised that people are start having views -now-.
Sorry for this. It's just that there are so many discussions to have in parallel that it's difficult to follow up in time to some of them. I already raised my voice the last time x.509 came up, that's why I raised it again. We're only a small LIR, and we already see the burden of having to many "standards" to chose from. As of know, RIPE was steering the course with a clean (sub-)set, and it was OK for us. We do not have the time to attend RIPE meetings more than once every few years, if at all. -- MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger 16 years to go ! LF.net GmbH fon +49 711 90074-23 pi@LF.net Ruppmannstr. 27 fax +49 711 90074-33 D-70565 Stuttgart mob +49 171 3101372