On 10 sep 2003, at 08.15, Johan Ihren wrote:
I.e. not Autonomica, but Lars-Johan Liman, Patrik Fältström and myself privately teach DNS courses on all levels since years back, including a two day course on DNSSEC.
And, yes, we have had students actually cancel their seats at a scheduled course because RIPE NCC staff came to Stockholm and taught DNSSEC for free.
While I can personally live with that (at least as long as you don't turn up in Stockholm too often ;-) I do think it is a clear example of the difficulties with your position of being effectively a monopoly that wants to do the right thing for the Internet.
FWIW, as Johan explicitly say he _personally_ can live with it, let me also say I find this being ok, even though it feels a bit weird when RIPE NCC is competing on the market with a price we can not beat. So, don't come too often ;-) That said, totally in the world, I think there is not enough people teaching DNS. Or rather, there are enormous number of people which _should_ take a training course. paf