On Tue, 05 May 2015 14:54:53 +0100, Lindqvist Kurt Erik wrote:
The RIPE NCC Services WG shall have at least two Working Group chairs and a maximum of three. The RIPE NCC Services WG Chairs are selected for a two year period, and one of the chairs will stand down every year. The chair not standing down shall make a call for interested parties on the RIPE NCC Services WG mailing list. Interested parties then have a two week period to make their interest known. After this, the chair(s) not up for selection will issue a two week discussion period where the RIPE NCC Services WG community can express approval or otherwise for the candidates that have expressed interest. At the end of the two week discussion period the chair(s) not up for selection will call consensus for the candidate(s). Appeals will follow the normal WG chair appeal process from the RIPE PDP.
Kurtis, I'm confused. I hope you can clarify something for me. In case there are 3 chairs, will the term of office still be 2 years? If so, it seems to follow that one and respectively two chairs will have to step down in alternate years. Is this the intent, or have I misunderstood or overlooked something? ATB Niall