MN> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] RIPE tasks Date: Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 12:08:07PM +0200 Quoting Kurt Jaeger (lists@complx.LF.net):
If there had been no RIPE with crystal-clear policies as a very good example of self-gouvernance, many national government regulations would be in place instead -- and it would be a big mess.
MN> Indeed -- a swedish government investigation (SOU 2002:60) concluded: MN> "In Europe it is RIPE who hands out IP address space to operators MN> and other network owners. This arrangement has proved to be working, MN> and there is no reason to alter it at the moment." MN> SOU 2002:60, page 377, my (abridged) translation. MN> Please note -- this is the investigation which writes the bill that MN> implements the EU communications directive in Sweden; they have the MN> theorethical power to suggest legislation that in effect forces all MN> IP address allocation to be made by a government authority, per MN> nation-state. I do not think we or the governements want that... It depends. Recently, Ukrainian authority has made completely another statement. Serge. -- Best regards, Serge mailto:ben@kharkiv.net