On Wed, 2013-01-02 at 16:57 +0100, Axel Pawlik wrote: [...]
In the meantime, there will be no changes to the proxy service and no loss of functionality for the community.
The RIPE NCC and its Executive Board will return to its members with proposals for ways to ensure that their wishes are met with regard to service developments while allowing the RIPE NCC to be operate efficiently and responsively.
Hello Axel, Thank you for the clarification. In addition to points already addressed by others I have another remark and question: RIPE NCC sent me the contracts on December 17th stating they had to be signed and returned before the 31th. It amazes me that RIPE NCC sent these out just before the holidays, making it impossible for us (and I think many others) to have these documents reviewed by the right people and returned in time. Now that we've had time to review the document and that I've read your email I'm wondering if I still need to sign and return these documents. Could you please elaborate? Best regards, -- Teun Vink, Network Engineer BIT BV | teun@bit.nl | +31 318 648 688 KvK: 09090351 | GPG: 0x5A04F4E2 | RIPE: TEUN-RIPE