Then, if it's optional, they could avail themselves of the option. -Bill On Aug 29, 2013, at 7:47, "Maurice [SHQ]" <maurice@shq.nl> wrote:
Hi Sascha
There are a lot of companies in countries where Internet is still not as strong as evaluated example like in the Netherlands, Belgium etc.. These are often dependent on fax.
Met vriendelijke groet, Maurice
SHQ B.V. Sterk in e-commerce hosting
Klantenservice Nederland: 0165-201005 Klantenservice Belgie: 03-8081633
klantenservice@shq.nl / www.shq.nl
Postadres: Ekelstraat 3 4726AN Heerle - NB
Op al onze diensten en leveringen zijn onze algemene voorwaarden van toepassing. SHQ.nl is onderdeel van Trafego IS B.V. - KVK Breda: 58096140
Op 29 aug 2013, om 13:30 heeft Sascha Luck het volgende geschreven:
Hi Erik,
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 12:59:37PM +0200, Erik Bais wrote:
have a dedicated fax number (pointing to a mailbox) specific for companies that are still in the 80's.
while there are many companies that are still living the '80s, I see no really good reason why the NCC has to be one of them.
rgds, Sascha Luck