On 21 Oct 2010, at 14:28, Daniel Roesen wrote:
If you don't like the current policy, you are welcome to suggest changes.
The policy does not require personal ID copies kept by the NCC.
OK, so you want to pick nits. If you don't like the *implementation* of the current policy, you are welcome to suggest changes. Or propose a policy that forbids the NCC to store copies of passports and similar documents. Rather than whine or explore rat-holes, please come forward with some constructive proposals.
I'm not sure we're able to do something about it via the policy process if NCC's lawyers say "ask for and keep a copy of IDs" to "be safe".
Now you're making assumptions and possibly jumping to wrong conclusions. First, it's *your* NCC and it exists to serve its members. If it's not doing so, you absolutely can and should do something about that. The policy machinery and the organisation's bye- laws are the tools for those changes: changing/making policies, voting for the board, calling a General Meeting, etc. I don't know why the NCC is copying passports. It will be for a good reason. [Well, it had better be for a good reason...] Perhaps if this was further explained, we would all have a better understanding of the issue and what options are feasible for making changes?
Did you ever have to provide passport copy to online shops where you buy goods?
No. I don't go shopping. And I generally don't buy stuff on-line. The web is full of marketing scumbags who think they are entitled to send me spam if I'm stupid enough to buy from them. I refuse to pay the entrance fee.