01.11.22 12:31, Федієнко Олександр Павлович via ncc-services-wg пише:
Unfortunately, we don't know you personally, but I'm sure that if you want to get a transparent answer, I can treat you to coffee and give you answers.
You know she personally.
And precisely because we do not understand and do not know to whom they belong, and the mechanisms of influence, we all propose that RIPE NCC develop security mechanisms.
What? Because YOU (as the government? mafia? whoever?) do not understand and do not know, you push RIPE NCC to develop some mechanism? What is it, if not a government intrusion in RIPE self-regulation? Let's stop this manipulation. NCC knows their customers well. I do not have any doubts in it.
And at that time there are no such mechanisms, any transfers should be frozen, especially those transfers on which Ukrainian Internet resources are located.
And for your point of view, you have such serious problem that you need to stop and kill a number of companies by the ban? Oh, well... Ukrainian government do not care about any business, especially small.
Another problem is state Ukrainian Internet resources. And it will be a very unfortunate situation when, for example, state Ukrainian Internet resources will be located on IP addresses of LIRs that are not under the jurisdiction of Ukraine.
So open a LIR and get/buy enough address space for the state companies, what a deal?
But taking into account cyberattacks, and believe me, they happen all the time on our information Ukrainian Internet resources, the state will make decisions on protection. It is also a battlefield.
Manipultaion. Cyberattacks has nothing to do with IP transfers.
I hope that RIPE NCC will still create a group and develop new transfer policies.
New transfer policies? Together with the world cleanest and honest Ukrainian government? Really?
p2 Regarding the alleged spam from me :)
If you carefully read the letters that I wrote, ONE letter, and not a
Lie. Before the last RIPE meeting, every Ukrainian LIR got a lot of letters to the listed contacts from you asking to register to GM (?! for what reason for GM?) and support your initiative. This is not only a SPAM, but a clear violation of RIPE Database policy.
But I did not expect that I would affect Maxim Tulyev's business interests, and he would start such an informational attack.
In fact, closing Ukrainian market will be good for my IPv4 business. At first it will raise the global price for IPv4 as the offer shrinks. At second, it will be probably possible for me to buy IPv4 for cheap inside Ukraine (but I'm afraid I will be kicked out from that very quickly by your, let's said, non-market methods).
I fully support you in the part that EVERY Ukrainian, REGARDLESS of where he lives, should make efforts for our victory against Russia.
Lie. Previous letter you said I can't interfere as I do not live in Ukraine physically.