Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 08:47:17 +0300 To: Tore Anderson <tore.anderson@redpill-linpro.com>, Alex Le Heux <alexlh@ripe.net> From: Hank Nussbacher <hank@efes.iucc.ac.il> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] Extended delegated statistics Cc: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net
At 07:24 24/05/2012 +0200, Tore Anderson wrote:
* Alex Le Heux
Starting from Wednesday 23 May 2012, the extended delegated files will be published at the following URL:
There are some problems with the delegated-ripencc-20120423 and delegated-ripencc-extended-20120423 currently available on the FTP:
Another problem is that the previous file was sorted by IP and now it is sorted by allocated/assigned field and then only by IP so one needs to know whether the IP block is allocated or assigned and jumping back and forth between the 2 sections. Can the file be sorted once gain by IP?
Thanks, Hank
I see that the file is still sorted by allocated/assigned and then by IP. Why was this changed and why can't it be changed back to the way it was? -Hank