Hi, I aggree with the fact, that development can start _after_ consensus declaration. I'm just talking about fact, _how_ RIPE NCC implemented policy 2007-01. At this time, we have informations about particular ASN on _two_ places, with broken authentication system in one of these places. On LIR portal at resources_asn section we have ASN, date of creation and associated ticket. In policy 2007-01 tool we have information about type of user of that ASN (own infrastructure, end user, ...). This is bad approach, relevant informations should be concentrated. I believe, that simple radio buttons might be (simply) integrated into existing portal, this should be _really_ faster and cheaper. And in addition, all informations remains on single place. If RIPE NCC will develop new extra application for each policy (instead of reusing and enhancing existing code), it will really waste our money. And will be hard to work with informations disposed to many places. With regards, Daniel On 09/04/2009 03:41 PM, Sander Steffann wrote:
Hello Daniel,
Unfortunately, we could not integrate completely with the LIR Portal in the timeframe given to implement policy 2007-01. We decided not to make further developments to the legacy code base of the current LIR Portal because we already had plans to entirely rebuild the LIR Portal. You HAD enough time. First version of policy is more than two years old.
The first moment the NCC can start implementing a policy is when consensus has been declared on the policy proposal. Before that point in time the policy can be discarded or changed. Implementing a policy proposal that might not even become policy would really be a waste of effort and money...
- Sander