On 6 Sep 2009, at 06:43, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
How about the matter of electronic voting that I had raised previously? Why can't that be implemented?
and so died the entire discussion thread of online voting. No one from RIPE NCC responded why electronic voting can't be implemented.
Hank, introducing electronic voting means changing the NCC's Articles of Association. As yet, nobody's come forward with firm proposals to do either of these things. Which is not surprising given that discussions haven't been under way for long and consensus has still to be reached. That's the short answer. For more detail, read on... There is a general acceptance that something has to be done to encourage and/or to make it easier for more members to vote. [Moving the AGM and GM alongside the RIPE meetings has helped a little. IIUC more people attend than when the GMs were standalone events.] The board has asked the CEO to look into electronic voting and progress has been made. Axel presented some options at the last AGM. There was even a discussion about voting reform at the 2009 AGM in May. See http://www.ripe.net/membership/gm/gm-may2009/minutes.html. Sadly, that discussion was inconclusive and no consensus emerged from the meeting about the way forward. The NCC Chairman asked the CEO to analyse the proposed schemes so that the membership can decide on adopting one (or not) before the AGM next year. So that presumably means there will be further discussion at the GM in Lisbon next month. I expect that if/when a consensus emerges an EGM will need to be called so that any new system could be in place before the 2010 AGM. BTW, it's a little unfair to blame NCC staff for not responding to your original question. They are expected to remain neutral on constitutional matters like this and not allow their personal opinions to influence the membership. If you are/were unhappy at the lack of reply to your earlier email -- I don't remember seeing it and would have responded if I did -- you should have contacted the board and/or CEO.