When I read it, it looked plausible. I don't know if it was propaganda, fake news or what else https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/08/09/technology/ukraine-internet-r... "They came to them and put guns to their head and just said, 'Do this,'" said Maxim Smelyanets, who owns an internet provider that operates in the area and is based in Kyiv. "They did that step by step for each company." https://www.kentik.com/blog/rerouting-of-kherson-follows-familiar-gameplan/
Il gio 27 ott 2022, 18:14 Max Tulyev <maxtul@netassist.ua> ha scritto:
Once again, Elena.
Could you please show any proof of any theft? Even gossips about it?
27.10.22 19:10, Олена Кушнір пише: > Hi all! > before writing any thoughts here, write your RegID so that it is clear > who you represent. are related to the Ukrainian LIR community. > > Registry ID: ua.webpro > > We are the member of Internet association of Ukraine, We ask you to > temporarily freeze IR transfers from the territory of Ukraine. We are > sure that this will make IP resources of UA holders not attractive for > theft and transfer and therefore will protect its holders. > > > > > _______________ > Best regards, > Olena Kushnir > +38(097)748-33-33 > www.webpro.ua <http://www.webpro.ua> <http://www.webpro.ua> > > >
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