In message <2FB87972-9E7C-4FA2-98F3-4881560E2CF8@ripe.net>, "Daniel Karrenberg" <dfk@ripe.net> wrote:
Indeed we have the history in the database, as we should.
The not-so-good news: current policy is to not make it available because of privacy concerns. Unless there is pressure from the community that is not likely to change soon. I am no lawyer but I expect that this policy could change at least for data that is not personal data which would be good enough for what you seek. But I guess that more than two people have to ask for it. A reasonably concise request from this WG would go a long way.
Please allow me to enthusiastically second the motion on the table. Data wants to be free! Please un-hide and un-chain it and allow a thousand flowers of honesty and accountability to bloom! Regards, rfg