+1 I support this proposal. // Andreas Med vänlig hälsning Andreas Larsen IP-Only Telecommunication AB| Postadress: 753 81 UPPSALA | Besöksadress: S:t Persgatan 6, Uppsala | Telefon: +46 (0)18 843 10 00 | Direkt: +46 (0)18 843 10 56 www.ip-only.se Den 2013-05-15 11:51 skrev Daniel Stolpe <stolpe@resilans.se>:
I think Kurtis was right about not having that many comments om the maling list this time (even though there were a few earlier on).
First I want to say "Well done" to David.
I support this proposal.
Yes, there will be an increased risk for abuse. But as my LIR already handles a big chunk of legacy PI space (yes it has PI status) and all those abuse spammers always think we are the ISP just because we have mnt-by, we are already familiar with the situation.
On some occations we think the NCC has put as as sponsor for some resources and then a year or two later we realise the holder is aked byt the NCC to ge a sponsor...
So to conclude, yes probably more abuse but nevertheless, the right path forward.
Best Regards,
Daniel Stolpe
__________________________________________________________________________ _______ Daniel Stolpe Tel: 08 - 688 11 81 stolpe@resilans.se Resilans AB Fax: 08 - 55 00 21 63 http://www.resilans.se/ Box 13 054 556741-1193 103 02 Stockholm