Hello everyone, I support polling IPv4 objects holders. Using this way RIPE can really protect the interests of its customers. вс, 18 дек. 2022 г. в 13:34, Askochenskaya Alexandra <askoch@merezha.net>:
I totally agree. Everyone should have the possibility to vote and tell it's opinion, if we live in a democracy world, of course.
-- Best regards, Alexandra
On 18.12.22 13:09, dem wrote:
I agree
-------- Исходное сообщение -------- От: vs@liptel.net.ua Дата: 18.12.2022 10:39 (GMT+01:00) Кому: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Тема: [ncc-services-wg] Survey among Ukrainian companies and Lirs
Dear colleagues,
How can you make decisions about the country, based on the words of a couple of people at the conference?
RIPE NCC, in fact, imposed sanctions on the whole country Ukraine with thousands of companies.
I urge you to do a survey among Ukrainian companies and Lirs.
THE QUESTION HAS TO BE: Do _YOU_ support the initiative to block transfers.
!!Not here in the working group.!!
The workgroup is an outdated tool in which you can see only squabbles. There is no possibility to see the whole text of Issue, if you are the New user.
The line _COUNTRY_ was added recently to the _ORG OBJECT_ ( which also caused several questions)
It will not be difficult for RIPE NCC to make a selection by country and send a small survey (anonymous or not) to all Ukrainian companies. Do they want their resources to be blocked? Yes or No.
(Whether they are in Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Odessa or Kyiv.)
I'm looking forward to your decision. I also ask my colleagues to support the initiative.
Best regards, Viktor Stoliarchuk
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