At Fri, 25 Apr 2014 10:15:02 +0100, Nigel Titley wrote:
Dear colleagues,
I'd like to provide some background on the Executive Board's decision to propose the provisions regarding charges for legacy holders in the 2015 Charging Scheme.
Thanks, Nigel. It's really helpful to have a matter-of-fact and authoritative explanation of the Executive Board's thinking on these charges. I'ld like to react very briefly at this stage, mindful of the saying, "Least said, soonest mended." I'll be glad to expand the discussion as necessary, but am anxious to avoid opening rat-holes in the run-up to RIPE68.
The board discussed these at length and wanted to achieve a balance between meeting the needs of legacy holders and meeting the needs of RIPE NCC members, who the board is tasked with representing.
I feel that the charging scheme proposed is not the only one which could achieve this balance, and that a significantly lower price point for option 2.4 would be reasonable. Best regards, Niall