Hi Maxim,

It seems clear from the mailing list that the community very much is not united in wanting the temporary freeze.

Again, the temporary freeze cannot be done in the way you want it, there is no process for it. If the NCC was to block transfers that comply with the transfer policy like you ask, it is likely that LIRs whose transfers get blocked would take legal action against the NCC (and, in my opinion, would be likely to win). You would need to make a policy proposal to enable this, but there would need to be consensus for it to be adopted, which there will not be unless you answer the (very reasonable) questions asked so far.

At this point, your repeated messages without any new points or actually answering any questions anyone asks you are frankly spam and in my opinion a lot of it, especially the personal attacks, is also in violation of the RIPE code of conduct.

Matthias Merkel

On November 2, 2022 at 2:28 PM GMT+1 maxim.smelyanets3@gmail.com wrote:

Hi everyone,

Persanly  having hope that "Mafia home", as   Maxim Tuliev called,  is not  the biggest two Telecom  Community  Chats in the country as Telecom Ukraine and Ukoz ... ), where Ondřej Filip
Executive Board Member can watch all market meanings under this question himself.
We have already discussed it there and everyone saw that is no real ground of  Max's suggestion in any threat to his adress.

At the same time Ukraian community is united  under suggestion to provide  frize period for the hall Ukrainian terrytory till new rules for transactions will be implemeted.
We need some time  to provide these new rules  in Ripe NCC and everyone understand that.
Suggestions for these new rules that brought up is likely suited for most of  Ripe members, Ukrainian accossiations and market players in Ukraine.

Best regards and with prey that Ripe will hear Ukrainian community and not few members that even not living in Ukraine right now and transfered main part of their LIR outside of Ukraine.

Maxim Smelianets 
Co-founder Telecom Ukraine Community