Hello, It looks like there are only a couple of days before the end of last call on this proposal. There are still several issues which I've brought up throughout the proposal which haven't been answered, even though some of them have been brought up several times on the mailing list. I.e. none of them are new, but none of them has been dealt with either. Excluding my concerns with section 2.6 where I respect the community consensus but still strongly disagree with, these issues include from my email of 2013-11-01:
Serious issues: Section 3.0 needs to include a term in the contract to state that the services provided by the RIPE NCC to the legacy resource holder are defined by RIPE community policy and may be amended from time to time, according to ripe community policy. [...] Section 2.4 is redundant. We have a well established precedent under the terms of 2007-01 for engaging with sponsoring LIRs and this seems to work well in practice. Creating this policy option merely adds cost to the RIPE NCC's bottom line for no gain.
Section 3.0: "a statement that the RIPE NCC is not entitled to deregister the resources for whatever purpose unless so instructed by the resource holder". This statement is advisory only and it needs to be made clear that the sponsoring LIR does not have power to make a legally binding statement of this form. This actually applies to all four statements in section 3.0.