At 09:43 05/09/2009 +0200, Daniel Suchy wrote:
Voting on AGM its locked to be on-site at this time, this requires traveling (mainly) around the Europe, this is a big barrier. According to Axel Pawlik presentation on last AGM, there never voted more than 5% of members on-site. This isn't really representative. For comparison, in online membership survey 2008 we had ansvers from around 11% of members - this is still not very high number, but is better...
This is another argument for better interaction with members over electronic surveys, for example. This will provide much better and more representative results/feedback compared to NCC meetings.
I raised this in June in members-discuss:
To change voting: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/articles-association.html#seventeen we have to go via: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/articles-association.html#twenty and will require 2/3 of those voting to be in favor of the change!
In July Axel posted on this list:
The Executive Board concluded that in order to widen participation in elections, it will propose to allow voting by postal ballot for Executive Board elections. This addition to the voting process will not require a major effort or a major investment from the RIPE NCC.
and on members-discuss in July I posted in response to Nigel Titley's comments:
In all seriousness though. If you wish to open a discussion on the election process, then this is the list to do it on. Note that the current board has taken the step of encouraging the NCC to make announcements on this list rather than just making them at general meetings. This is in order to encourage open debate. I'm pleased to see that this is having some effect. ...
The result is that i have not voted until now, because i don't know anybody and the cost to go to the GM meeting is too high... The proxy voting system allows you to vote remotely, but of course if you don't know us then, as you say, a vote is pointless.
How about the matter of electronic voting that I had raised previously? Why can't that be implemented?
and so died the entire discussion thread of online voting. No one from RIPE NCC responded why electronic voting can't be implemented. Draw your own conclusions. -Hank