I do not understand the procedure of the transfer ban proposal. Who and how will decide if resources are Ukrainian or not. And why should Ukrainian resource holders all suffer from the "Ban all" policy if DNR, LNR and RU should not? I think the idea about "own decision button or e-mail request to suspend all requests from me for X mouns" is better and suites good for all purposes and more about free will, then just "ban all". ср, 26 окт. 2022 г. в 17:57, Max Tulyev <maxtul@netassist.ua>:
That exactly what I said today at the meeting. You saw only several LIRs want to block transfers for ALL. But a lot are against this initiative and even don't know about it.
Please protect only those of them who ask for it. And don't touch those who don't want that "protection".
26.10.22 18:43, Leonid Khorolets пише:
We are against the initiative to ban all the transfers of IP addresses from Ukraine! We want to have this source of funds to keep our network running and pay salaries! Please note, there are NO CONSENSUS about transfer block in Ukrainian community, and those people on the meeting does not represent a majority of Ukrainian LIRs, they represent only themselves/
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-- С уважением, Артем КСТ