[Apologies for duplicate e-mails.] RIPE 50 Report Dear Colleagues, The RIPE 50 Meeting took place from 2 - 6 May 2005 at the Clarion Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden. There were over 375 participants at the meeting. Attendees also included government representatives and representatives from AfriNIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and ICANN. HIGHLIGHTS Highlights of RIPE 50 included: - The successful implementation of the new RIPE Meeting format into three days on operational and technical content followed by two days on policy related issues. - An update on the ICANN ASO Address Council. This presentation is available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-plenary-fri-a... - A commentary on the ITU-T Proposal for National Address Registries for IPv6 by Geoff Huston, APNIC. This presentation is available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-plenary-wed-i... - Final discussion on the RIPE Policy Development Process. More information about this will appear on www.ripe.net shortly. Afilias, Arbor Networks, Cisco Systems, Force10 Networks, Netnod, NIKHEF, Nokia, TeliaSonera and the RIPE NCC are thanked for the support they provided to the meeting. TeliaSonera are thanked for the provision of the meeting Internet connectivity. PRESENTATIONS All the Plenary and Working Group presentations from RIPE 50 can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/index.html SUMMARY ADDRESS POLICY WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that the Address Policy Working Group Chairs will make a formal proposal that global policies should go through the RIPE Policy Development Process. - There was discussion on the TLD anycast allocation policy proposal, the IPv6 proposal to remove the 200 customers requirement, the proposal for removal of the Africa Special Policy, the proposal to add regional boundaries to policy documents and the IPv4-HD-Ratio proposal. ANTI-SPAM WORKING GROUP - There was discussion on whether ripe-206 should be revised to reflect the updates to the LINX BCP document that was used as the base for the original ripe-206. - There was discussion about anti-spammers sometimes behaving worse than spammers, and action placed on the Working Group Chair to start work on a document for best practise for spam complaints. DATABASE WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that a proposal on the "country:" attribute should be prepared. This will be done by the RIPE NCC. - It was noted that changes to the RIPE Database for abuse are now in production. DNS WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that the DNS Working Group Chair will produce a proposal to solve the problem that changes to reverse DNS nameservers cannot have multiple names. - There was discussion on whether the DNS Working Group should take over the work to produce a RIPE Document on AAAA resolution issues. - It was agreed that the RIPE NCC will produce statistics on anycast placement for K-root and the RIPE region Hostcount in time for RIPE 51. - It was noted that DNSSEC RFCs have been published, and that DNSSEC is being tested in Sweden in the .se domain. EIX WORKING GROUP - It was noted that the Switching Wish-List Version 3.0 will be published soon by Mike Hughes, and that version 3.1 will be published after RIPE 51. - There was discussion about public versus private peering. ENUM WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that Niall O'Reilly and Carsten Schiefner will be the new ENUM Working Group Chairs. - It was noted that the IETF is continuing work on ENUM standards. - It was agreed that the ENUM Working Group will continue to work as it has in the past, with an emphasis on the exchange of operational experience. IPV6 WORKING GROUP - It was decided that the RIPE Whois Database will continue to include more services that run in native IPv6. - It was agreed that the community needs to produce a revised Internet draft before RIPE 51 to formally address the demands of RFC3177, particularly the /48 recommendation. - It was noted that the IPv6 Working Group needs to decide where it wishes to house the new, operational IPv6 mailing list. RIPE NCC SERVICES WORKING GROUP - There was discussion on the value of the Hostcount. It was agreed that the RIPE NCC should continue working on this, and that the RIPE NCC should write and put a new Hostcount into service. ROUTING WORKING GROUP - There was discussion on route flap damping and de-aggregation practices raised by Philip Smith in the RIPE 50 Plenary. - Lorenzo Colliti (RIPE NCC) presented the research work of Roma Tre University on active BGP probing to discover AS level topology of the Internet. TEST TRAFFIC WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that the community should provide a proposal on how TTM infrastructure could be used to certify the quality of service provided by ISPs and to verify Service Level Agreements. - Henk Uijterwaal gave an update on the status of the TTM project - Thomas Wana presented work done to improve the accuracy of TTM time measurements and a proposal to create even greater accuracy by using DAG cards for measurement. - There was discussion on the future directions for the TTM project and it was agreed that the TTM infrastructure and measurements could be leveraged to certify the quality of service provided by ISPs. The Working Group agreed that the RIPE NCC, as a trusted third party, could perform the measurements and publish the results. CO-LOCATED PEERING BoF Netnod, LINX and AMS-IX hosted a peering BoF co-located at RIPE 50 on Sunday, 1 May, where peering policies were presented. CO-LOCATED LOBSTER TUTORIAL A tutorial entitled "Passive Network Traffic Monitoring" was organised on Friday, 6 May, by the consortium of LOBSTER, a European IST Project on Large-Scale Monitoring of Broadband Internet Infrastructures. RIPE 50 WEBCASTING AND ARCHIVES During RIPE 50, the RIPE NCC collected feedback from participants watching the webcast and listening to the audiocasts. The mediums used for this were IRC and Jabber. Archives of presentations, webcasts and IRC/Jabber feedback from RIPE 50 are available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/sessions-archive.html HOSTMASTER CONSULTATION CENTRE (HCC) The RIPE NCC Hostmaster Consultation Centre was open at RIPE 50, allowing RIPE NCC Members to discuss issues relating to their business directly with RIPE NCC Hostmasters. "MEET & GREET" The RIPE NCC's "Meet & Greet" was available for first-time RIPE Meeting attendees at RIPE 50. "Meet & Greet" introduces newcomers to the meetings, to key attendees from the RIPE community and to social events throughout the week. More information can be obtained by contacting <meet-greet@ripe.net>. RIPE 50 REFERENCE PAGE A complete list of RIPE 50 sessions, tutorials and presentations can be found at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50 RIPE 51 RIPE 51 will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 10 - 14 October 2005. Information on RIPE 51 is available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-51 If you have any questions about RIPE Meetings, please contact <meeting@ripe.net>.