Dear Gert Well almost and in a round about way. All ALLOCATION objects are required to have a reference to the LIR's ORGANISATION object. All ASSIGNED PA objects are more specific to an ALLOCATION with this reference. So it is possible to get this part of the information with an inverse query on the ORGANISATION object and then a more specific query on the returned ALLOCATION objects. Beyond that is tricky as the reference to ORGANISATION is optional everywhere except the ALLOCATION objects. What you are asking for would be possible if the reference to ORGANISATION was mandatory on all allocated resources. regards Denis Walker Business Analyst RIPE NCC Database Group On 01/08/2012 16:56, Gert Doering wrote:
On Wed, Aug 01, 2012 at 04:46:23PM +0200, Alex Band wrote:
All of this information is in the RIPE Database, which is what it's for;
It is?
So which LIR is AS5539 attached to, if I may pose a random example, and how do I find that out from the RIPE-DB?
Actually, from the RIPE DB the relationship between a certain object and a certain regID is very hard to find (if possible at all), while nicely straightforward from the alloclist.
Gert Doering -- NetMaster