On 13 May 2021, at 16:19, Niall O'Reilly wrote:
I will share my arithmetic separately later.
So, as promised. 1. Time to recover five-nines availability after worst-case service-recovery delay: An hour’s outage must be matched by a minimum of 99,999 hours uninterrupted availability. 99999 / ( 24 * 365 ) gives 11.4. That’s nearly eleven and a half years. 2. Maximum cumulative outage between RIPE meetings which would allow RIPE NCC to report achieving the five-nines target. RIPE meetings are held twice a year, but not precisely six months apart; the interval is approximately 180 days. Converting to seconds and dividing by 100,000 is equivalent to multiplying by 0.864, as there are 86400 seconds in a day. 180 * 0.864 gives 155.5 seconds, or just over 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Best regards, Niall